Wednesday, March 31, 2021


Each of us tends to think

We see things as they are,

That we are objective.

But this is not the case.

We see the world,

Not as it is, but as we are…

Or as we are conditioned

To see it.

- Stephen Covey


Effective people are not


They’re opportunity


They feed opportunities

And starve problems.

- Stephen Covey


Without involvement,

There is no commitment.

Mark it down, asterisk it,

Circle it, underline it.

No involvement,

No commitment.

- Stephen Covey


Women tend to have less life insurance

Coverage than men. Here’s why it’s a

Good idea to take stock of your coverage.





Tuesday, March 30, 2021


Outstanding leaders go out of their way

To boost the self-esteem of their personnel.

If people believe in themselves,

It’s amazing what they can accomplish.

- Sam Walton


Nothing else can quite substitute for a few

Well-chosen, well-timed, sincere words

Of praise.

They’re absolutely free and worth a fortune.

- Sam Walton

There is only one boss. The customer.

And he can fire everybody in the company

From the chairman on down,

Simply by spending his money somewhere else.

- Sam Walton


Talking with your loved ones about

Life insurance is a small win you can

Accomplish today.

It’s time to have those tough

Conversations because you can’t

Get life insurance once you need it. 




Monday, March 29, 2021


We’re closing out #WomensHistoryMonth

With this important reminder.

Life can change in an instant.

Put yourself first on the list of

Priorities today review your life

Insurance policy and make

Adjustments if needed. 


Hayden Childs

Alabama Licensed Agent

(205) 269-1382


I offer free no obligation

reviews of your policy(ies)

I Still Make House Calls!




To succeed in life,

You need three things…

A wishbone,

A backbone and

A funnybone.

- Reba McEntire


Sincerity begins with you.

The man who is sincere

With others must first be

Sincere with himself.

- Napoleon Hill Foundation


Events will take their course,

It is no good of being angry

At them;

He is happiest who wisely

Turns them to the best


- Euripides



Friday, March 26, 2021


A little oil of courtesy

Will save a lot of friction.

- Carey Scott


To live happily…

See no slights,

Accept no insults,

Cherish no jealousies,

And indulge in no hatreds.

- Carey Scott


Whenever you exclude God

And the value system that He

Represents out of the equation

Of a life, of a family, or a culture,

You create a spiritual vacuum.

Nature abhors a vacuum.

It must be filled with something.

- Tony Evans

Working student and new mom Summer

Decided to buy life insurance to protect

Her son, Nathan. That motherly instinct

Would prove invaluable for Nathan’s

Future. Watch this #RealLifeStory:



Thursday, March 25, 2021


It's not what you've got,

It’s what you use that

Makes a difference.

- Zig Ziglar


You can get everything

In life you want if you

Will just help enough

Other people get what

They want.

- Zig Ziglar


If you go looking for a friend,

You’re going to find they're

Very scarce.

If you go out to be a friend,

You’ll find them everywhere. 

- Zig Ziglar


It’s simpler than you think to protect the

Ones you love. We can help!


Wednesday, March 24, 2021


Successful people are simply

Those with successful habits.
- Brian Tracy

The key to success is to focus

Our conscious mind on things

We desire not things we fear.
- Brian Tracy

Move out of your comfort zone.

You can only grow if you are

Willing to feel awkward and

Uncomfortable when you try

Something new.
- Brian Tracy


If wedding bells are in your future,

Remember to get life insurance.


Hayden Childs

Alabama Licensed Agent

(205) 269-1382






Tuesday, March 23, 2021



The willingness to accept responsibility

For one's own life…

Is the source from which self respect


- Joan Didion


It's not what you do once in a while;

It’s what you do day in and day out

That makes the difference.

- Jenny Craig


Nothing in the world is permanent,

And we're foolish when we ask

Anything to last,

But surely we're still more foolish

Not to take delight in it while we

Have it.

If change is of the essence of

Existence one would have thought

It only sensible to make it the

Premise of our philosophy.

- W. Somerset Maugham


If you don’t have life insurance because

You think there isn’t room for it in your

Budget, we can help you “find the money.”

It costs less than most people think!


Monday, March 22, 2021


If you want your life

To be a magnificent story,

Then begin by realizing that

You are the author and everyday

You have the opportunity to write

A new page.

- Mark Houlahan 


You can have whatever you want;

All things are possible when you put your

Focus on how you can and “Next” every idea

Telling you why you can’t.

- Bob Proctor


In the world there are believers

And then there are non-believers.

For all of you non-believers out there,

I have something to say to you...

Never underestimate the heart of a


- Coach Rudy Tom Johnavich 


Saturday, March 20, 2021

032021 A Quilter's Prayer

A Quilter’s Prayer


Take the pieces of my life

And stitch them together

According to Your will.


May I yield to the pricks

Of Your needle

So that Your stitches

May surround me with

The pattern of Your love.


May I allow You to order

The squares anyway You want,

To pattern me by Your design

So that all will know

You quilted me.


- Anonymous

Via Quilted with Love

Debbie Salter Goodwin




Friday, March 19, 2021


If you aim at nothing,

You’ll hit it every time.

- Anonymous

If you would hit the mark,

You must aim a little above it;

Every arrow that flies feels the

Attraction of earth. 

- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Vision without action is a daydream. 

Action with without vision is a nightmare.

- Japanese Proverb


Is getting a better handle on your finances

One of your goals this year? Here are eight

Small steps to get you started.



Thursday, March 18, 2021


True champions are made

When no one is looking.

- Sign hanging in the Cincinnati Reds

Spring training clubhouse

Sarasota, Florida


Some people focus on what

They’re going through;

Champions focus on what

They are going to.

- Grant M. Bright


Champions in any field of endeavor

Always rise to the occasion.

Champions see what they can become

Rather than live in the past.

Champions view life as a self-fulfilling


- Reed Markham


Major life changes can bring everything

Into focus. The little things, simple acts of

Love, are more meaningful than ever. It’s

Time to protect those everyday moments

With life insurance. 


Hayden Childs

Alabama Licensed Agent

(205) 269-1382



Whole Life, Term Life, Accidental death,

Critical Illness (cancer, heart attack, stroke)

Renter's (contents) Medicare Advantage,

Supplements, Hospital Indemnity, Health,

Dental & Vision coverage.


The Grief Is Bad Enough,

Don't Leave The Burden

To Your Family!


I Still Make House Calls! 


Wednesday, March 17, 2021


You are what you repeatedly do.

Excellence is not an event…

It is a habit.

- Aristotle

The world cares very little

About what a man or woman


It is what the man or woman

Is able to do that counts.

- Booker T. Washington

The only opinion about your

Dream that really counts is


The negative comments of

Others merely reflect their

Limitations… not yours.

- Cynthia Kersey

You don’t need to be the primary

Breadwinner in your household

To need life insurance.



Tuesday, March 16, 2021


When you feel like giving up,

Remember why you held on

For so long in the first place

- Anonymous


I do it because I can,

I can because I want to,

I want to because you

Said I couldn't.

- Anonymous


Always be a first-rate version

Of yourself, instead of a

Second-rate version of

Somebody else.

- Judy Garland


The death benefit from the Wachtels’ life

Insurance policy afforded Tonia a leave

Of absence from work to care for Don

While he was alive and allowed her to stay

Home to grieve with their two daughters

For several months after he passed. 

Got Insurance?




Monday, March 15, 2021


Those who bring sunshine

Into the lives of others

Cannot keep it from


- James Matthew Barrie

We will receive not what

We idly wish for but what

We justly earn.

Our rewards will always

Be in exact proportion to

Our service.

- Earl Nightingale

All of the great achievers of

The past have been visionary

Figures; they were men and

Women who projected into

The future.

They thought of what could be,

Rather than what already was,

And then they moved themselves

Into action, to bring these things

Into fruition.

- Bob Proctor


Life insurance is a promise kept to

Your loved ones. We can help get

You started.




Friday, March 12, 2021


This became a credo of mine...

Attempt the impossible in order

To improve your work.

- Bette Davis


When plans are laid in advance,

It is surprising how often the

Circumstances fit in with them.

- Sir William Osler


To the dull mind all nature is leaden.

To the illumined mind the whole world

Burns and sparkles with light.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson


“You don’t know what you’re doing with

Your future. You don’t know what you’re

Doing with your finances. I was just lost.”

– Melina Ahmadpour, whose mother died,

Without life insurance

Remember, you can’t get life insurance

Once you need it.

Thursday, March 11, 2021


Pressure is a word that is misused

In our vocabulary.

When you start thinking of pressure,

It’s because you've started to think

Of failure.

- Tommy Lasorda

I don't believe in pessimism.

If something doesn't come up

The way you want, forge ahead.

If you think it's going to rain,

It will.

- Clint Eastwood

The fishermen know that the sea

Is dangerous and the storm terrible,

But they have never found these

Dangers sufficient reason for

Remaining ashore.

- Vincent Van Gogh

Take just a few minutes to find out how

Much life insurance you may need with

This calculator. It’s easy…



Wednesday, March 10, 2021


Too many people spend money they

Haven’t earned, to buy things they

Don’t want, to impress people they

Don’t like.

- Will Rogers.


It’s a toss-up when you decide

To leave the beaten track.

Many are called, but few are


- W. Somerset Maugham


Riches are always over estimated;

The enjoyment they give is more in

Pursuit than the possession.

- Sarah Josepha Hale


The past year has made many of

Us realize just how fragile life can be.

Getting a better handle on your

Finances is one important way you

Can help relieve the stress of

Uncertainty and create a more

Secure future for your loved ones.