Monday, August 10, 2020



“Doing something costs something.

Doing nothing costs something.

And, quite often,

Doing nothing costs a lot more!”

- Ben Feldman


“Champions are champions not

Because they do anything extraordinary

But because they do the ordinary things

Better than anyone else.”

- Coach Chuck Knoll


"If you looked over your life at the end of it…

Life wouldn’t be measured in terms of success

Based on what you’ve acquired or achieved or

What you own.

The only thing that’s really going to matter is

The relationships you had.

It’s gonna come down to this …

What kind of father were you?

What kind of husband were you?

What kind of coach or teammate were you?

What kind of son were you?

What kind of brother were you?

What kind of friend were you?

Success comes in terms of relationships."

- Joe Erhmann





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