Wednesday, May 27, 2020


A smile is the light in your window that tells others
that there is a caring, sharing person inside.
- Denis Waitley

The real winners in life are the people
who look at every situation with an expectation
that they can make it work or make it better.
- Barbara Pletcher

History has demonstrated that the most notable
winners usually encountered heartbreaking obstacles
before they triumphed. They won because they refused
to become discouraged by their defeats.
- B.C. Forbes

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

052620 Stay-at-Home Parents Need Insurance Too

Mike and Stacy have been married for ten years, and for most of that time
Mike has been lucky enough to stay home with the kids while Stacy has
been the primary breadwinner. While Stacy earns a good living, she would
struggle to cover the cost of a nanny or other childcare provider if something
 were to happen to Mike.

Mike provides a variety of services to the family. He takes care of childcare,
transportation, managing the household and their finances. He also deals with
repairs and maintenance for their home. Mike also earns a small income doing
 handyman services around the neighborhood.

They decide that in the event something happened to Mike,
a life insurance policy would ensure that Stacy would have enough money to hire the
necessary help or take a few years off to stay at home as the family learns to cope
with the loss.

Stacy purchases a 20-year term policy with a death benefit of $750,000 that will
give her the financial means to replace the services Mike provided for the family as
well as cover the cost of sending the kids to college.

- Jessica Huneck


Monday, May 25, 2020

Memorial Day Speech by President Ronald Reagan

052520 Memorial Day

And I'm proud to be an American,
where at least I know I'm free.
And I won't forget the men who died,
Who gave that right to me.

- Lee Greenwood 

Saturday, May 23, 2020

05232020 Some Gave All...

Some Gave All

I knew a man, called him Sandy Cane
Few folks even knew his name
But a hero, yes was he
Left a boy, came back a man
Still many just don't understand
About the reasons we are free
I can't forget the look in his eyes
Or the tears he cried
As he said these words to me

All Gave Some, Some Gave All
Some stood through for the red, white and blue
And some had to fall
And if you ever think of me
Think of all your liberties and recall
Some Gave All

Now Sandy Cane is no longer here
But his words are oh so clear
As they echo throughout our land
For all his friends who gave us all
Who stood their ground and took the fall
To help their fellow man
Love your country and live with pride
And don't forget those who died
America can't you see?

And if you ever think of me
Think of all your liberties and recall
Yes recall
Some Gave All
Some Gave All


Friday, May 22, 2020


Winning means you're willing
To go longer, work harder,
And give more than anyone else.
- Coach Vince Lombardi

Setting a goal is not the main thing.
It is deciding how you will go about
Achieving it and staying with that plan.
- Coach Tom Landry

Show class, have pride, and display character.
If you do, winning takes care of itself.
- Coach Paul "Bear" Bryant 

Thursday, May 21, 2020


A winning smile makes winners of us all.
- Anonymous

Time is the most precious element of human existence.
The successful person knows how to put energy into
time and how to draw success from time.
- Denis Waitley

I've never known anyone so loyal.
If you are Larry Bird's teammate,
you are one of the most important
people in the world to him.
- Kevin McHale

Wednesday, May 20, 2020


When you clear the clutter, 
you make room for good 
things to come in.
- Noah St. John

Your resources are always far greater
than you imagine them to be. 
Never ask, Can I do this?   
Ask instead, how can I do this?
- Dan Zadra

Don't have negative thoughts
of things you cannot control. 
Instead invest your energy in
the positive present moment.
- Randy Pausch

Tuesday, May 19, 2020


If you’re picking your best friend
Based on what kind of clothes he/she
Wears or how popular he/she is,
Chances are you aren’t going to
Stay in touch after graduation.
- Renee Olstead

You must learn from
The mistakes of others
You can’t possibly live
Long enough to make
Them all yourself.
- Sam Levenson

By the time a man
Realizes that his
Father was right,
He has a son who
Thinks He’s wrong.
- Charles Wadsworth
Life is an echo.
What you send out comes back.
What you sow you reap.
What you give you get.
What you see in others exists in you.
Regardless of whom you are or what you do,
If you are looking for the best way to reap the
Most reward in all areas of life,
You should look for the good in every person and
In every situation and adopt the golden rule as a way of life.
- Zig Ziglar

Monday, May 18, 2020

051820 Don’t Leave Your Kids Holding the Bag

Don’t Leave Your Kids Holding the Bag

Kelly, a single mother, always thought it would be a good idea to buy life insurance
to protect her children, but something always seemed to get in the way. 
Money was tight, or time was tight and she just never got around to it. 
Years later, Kelly purchased a small home; her daughter was then 18 years old and
her son was 14.  While she didn't exactly live paycheck to paycheck, her budget 
was pretty tight and didn't allow her much room for savings.
One night while driving home from work, Kelly was struck head-on by a distracted driver. 
She died instantly. While Kelly’s children were forced to deal with the tragic loss of 
their mother, they also had to face the fact that she left behind only a few thousand 
dollars in the bank and no life insurance, leaving them essentially broke after covering
 the cost of a very basic funeral. 
That is why life insurance is important. Nobody knows what is coming around the corner.
If you die unexpectedly, you can leave your spouse or children in a very tight spot. 
Term life insurance is extremely affordable. 
A 20-year policy with a death benefit of $500,000 for a healthy female can cost as little 
as $25 a month. 

- Jessica Huneck

Saturday, May 16, 2020


Commitment is an act,
Not a word.
- Jean-Paul Sartre

Demand is not about
Fighting against the grain,
Nor is it about force.
Force negates.
Demand is about perfect,
Natural, even super-natural
Alignment with your desire,
Every moment of every day.
- Peggy McColl

The unselfish effort to bring
Cheer to others will be the
Beginning of a happier life
For ourselves.
- Helen Keller

Friday, May 15, 2020


The harder you work,
The harder it is to surrender.
- Vince Lombardi

Show the world how much you’ll
Fight for the winners circle.
- Pat Riley

Give people the gift of themselves.
Give them the gift of self esteem.
Show them that they are special and important.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


Talent is cheaper than table salt.
What separates the talented individual from the
Successful one is a lot of hard work.
- Stephen King

The essence of life is not in
the great victories and grand failures,
but in the simple joys.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Some people have thousands of reasons why
They cannot do what they want to,
When all they need is one reason why they can.
- Willis R. Whitney

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


Believe that things will
Work out as they should,
Providing we do what
We should.
- Coach John Wooden

There are many things that are essential
To arriving at true peace of mind,
And one of the most important is faith,
Which cannot be acquired without prayer.
- Coach John Wooden

In the end, it’s about the teaching,
And what I always loved about
Coaching was the practices.
Not the games, not the tournaments,
Not the alumni stuff.
But teaching the players during practice
Was what coaching was all about to me. 
- Coach John Wooden

Monday, May 11, 2020

051120 Coach Jim Valvano quotes

Take time every day
To laugh, to think, to cry.
- Coach Jim Valvano

When you find that place
Where you’re happy,
Don’t mess with it.
- Coach Jim Valvano

Don’t give up;
Don’t ever give up!
- Coach Jim Valvano

Saturday, May 09, 2020


May thy ball lie in green pastures …  
And not in still waters. 
- Anonymous

What other people may find
In poetry or art museums,
I find in the flight of a good drive. 
- Arnold Palmer

Achievement is largely the
Product of steadily raising
One’s level of aspiration
And expectation.
- Jack Nicklaus

Friday, May 08, 2020

050820 The Sweetest Gift...

The Sweetest Gift
One day a mother went to a prison
To see an erring but precious son
She told the warden how much she loved him
It did not matter what he had done
She did not bring to him a parole or pardon
She brought no silver, no pomp or style
It was a halo bright sent down from heaven's light
The sweetest gift, a mother's smile
She left a smile you can remember
She's gone to heaven from heartaches free
Those walls around you could never change her
You were her baby and e'er will be
She did not bring to him a parole or pardon
She brought no silver, no pomp or style
It was a halo bright sent down from heaven's light
The sweetest gift, a mother's smile
She did not bring to him a parole or pardon
She brought no silver, no pomp or style
It was a halo bright sent down from heaven's light
The sweetest gift, a mother's smile
The sweetest gift, a mother's smile

- J.B. Coats

Thursday, May 07, 2020


A person needs credit to live,
But cash to die.
- Ben Feldman

The best investment in the world is
The one that pays most when you
Need it most … Life insurance.
- Ben Feldman

Life insurance is simply a partnership…
A person and time.
Each day one trades a day for a dollar.
At the end of a lifetime,
One has exchanged a lifetime for
Property values.
We guarantee the time.
- Ben Feldman

Wednesday, May 06, 2020

050620 The Bible Says ...

Children are a gift from the Lord,
A reward from a mother’s womb.
(Psalm 127:3)

Punishment and discipline can make children wise,
But children who are never corrected will bring
Shame to their mother.
(Proverbs 29:15)

The command says,
“You must respect your father and mother.”
This is the first command that has a promise with it.
(Ephesians 6:2)


Tuesday, May 05, 2020


The superior man blames himself.
The inferior man blames others.
- Coach Don Shula

My responsibility is leadership,
And the minute I get negative,
That is going to have an
Influence on my team.
- Coach Don Shula

Work isn’t working unless
You would rather be doing
Something else.
- Coach Don Shula
Then somewhere along the line …
And it couldn’t have been until
Late in the season …
We realized we had a chance to do
Something no one else had done …
To win all the games. That became
Important, but if we had to lose,
We wanted to make sure that it
Wasn’t in the Super Bowl. If we
Ended 16-1, the season would
Have been a failure.
- Coach Don Shula

Monday, May 04, 2020


No individual can win a game by himself.
- Pelé

Believe it can be done.
When you believe something can be done,
Really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it.
Believing a solution paves the way to solution.
- David J. Schwartz

Wanting something is not enough.
You must hunger for it. Your motivation must be
Absolutely compelling in order to overcome the
Obstacles that will invariably come your way.
- Les Brown