Thursday, April 09, 2020

040920 Go Fund Me or will YOU take the Responsibility ...

In November, a Pennsylvania woman set up a Go-Fund-Me
campaign after her father's death, posting …

"Although my father wanted to make sure we were taken care of,
he was never able to nail down a life insurance policy. 

Funeral costs are expensive and every little bit helps us to give 
him the send off he deserves."

One month later, only $60 had been raised.

Friend is that what you want for your family?

I can’t tell you how many people I have talked with in my years
as an agent when I ask them if they have final expense coverage …

They will come back … 

“I think Grand-ma or Momma has some on me.”

They don’t know if they have coverage or not … 

What is sad most don’t care …

Why don’t YOU step up to the plate and take care of

YOUR responsibility?

I would be happy to help you “nail down” a policy today …

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