Friday, March 13, 2020

03132020 Coach John Calipari quotes

“It’s a tough situation. 
It was hard to tell my guys they won’t have a shot 
at what they’ve been working for all year … 
as I’m sure it was for so many other coaches 
across the country. 
But there are bigger things at stake here and I
understand the decision. It’s no one’s fault.
“As for this team, I’m really going to miss this group. 
I’m so disappointed they didn’t get to experience 
a run in the NCAA Tournament because they’ve
worked so hard and they deserve it. 
They were so good to each other.
“I don’t say this lightly ... 
I think I had the national championship team,
and this group should go down as one of the most
loved teams in my tenure here.
“I want our fans to think in terms of, 
what if we had made it to the Final Four? 
What if we had won the whole thing? 
I hope our fans remember them like that. 
By winning the league by three games this year
showed who they were.
“They had a chance win every game because
they played hard, they played together and they
pulled for one another. 
Every player was the best they had ever been as
an individual.
“As I’ve said with my other teams that were 
Final Four teams and the national championship group,
we never had a bad practice.

- Coach John Calipari

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