Thursday, December 31, 2020

Auld Lang Syne

123120 Happy New Year 2021...





New Year’s Wish 2021

I wish you Health...
So you may enjoy each day in comfort.

I wish you the Love of friends and family...
And Peace within your heart.

I wish you the Beauty of nature...
That you may enjoy the work of God.

I wish you Wisdom to choose priorities...
For those things that really matter in life.

I wish you Generosity so you may share...
All good things that come to you.

I wish you Happiness and Joy...
And Blessings for the New Year.

I wish you the Best of everything...
That you so well deserve.


- Anonymous

Wednesday, December 30, 2020


We’re building a culture of accountability,

trust, and togetherness.  

Entitlement will not be tolerated.

- Boston Celtics head coach Brad Stephens


There is no differentiator in a knowledge economy.

Strategies are no longer a differentiator.

It’s about execution.  You can only execute if you

have an unbelievable culture and team.

– David DeWolf, President and CEO of 3Pillar Global


Culture can really be defined in ten words …

This is who we are and this is what we do.

– Seth Godin




Roll with the Changes

Already Gone (2013 Remaster)

Tuesday, December 29, 2020


God is so infinitely vast.

This is His portrait.

We paint with brushes.

God paints with galaxies

and a trillion stars.  

And the God of a trillion stars

knows my name.

- Melissa from I Still Believe


Your education will only take you so far.

Your money will only take you so far. 

Your charisma will only open so many doors….

Your social and political connections will take

you so far but if you become a man who daily

cries out to God,

God will take you to where you need to be.

Prayer is the secret sauce.

- Jeremy Morton


I know true peace and

happiness comes from

knowing Jesus.  

Jesus is the hope of the world,

always has been, always will be.

The hope of the world is not a vaccine.

It’s not a politician.  

It’s not some stimulus package.

It’s not any of those things.

The hope of world comes from

knowing Jesus.

- Coach Dabo Swinney.  


In the words of Tim McGraw

"Can I get an Amen!"




Monday, December 28, 2020


Getting to the top of the ladder

Is not the problem.

The most difficult problem is

Getting through the crowd at

The bottom.

- Coach Bob Knight


We all have dreams.

But in order to make dreams

Come into reality, it takes an

Awful lot of determination,

Dedication, self-discipline,

And effort.

- Jesse Owens


I got a fortune cookie that said,

'To remember is to understand.'

I have never forgotten it.

A good judge remembers what

It was like to be a lawyer.

A good editor remembers being

A writer. A good parent remembers

What it was like to be a child.

- Anna Quindlen 



Saturday, December 26, 2020


It is not the easy or convenient life

for which I search, but life lived to

the edge of all that I may be.

- Mary Anne Radmacher


A life lived with integrity …

even if it lacks the trappings

of fame and fortune is a shining

star in whose light others may

follow in the years to come.

- Denis Waitley


Powerful dreams inspire projects

that can alter our world.

YOU make a difference to the world.

Act on your dreams today.

- Jonathan Lockwood Huie



Friday, December 25, 2020

122520 quotes Have A Very Merry Christmas 2020!

Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity:

It must be produced and discharged and

Used up in order to exist at all.

- William Faulkner 


It is a law of life, as certain as gravity, that to live

fully, we must learn to use things and love people

… not love things and use people.

- Coach Dale Brown


I had the ability to make a difference,

Even if I didn't know what that 

difference was yet.

- Lorna Shultz Nicholson


Thursday, December 24, 2020

122420 Christmas Eve Quotes in Honor of my precious Mother-in-Law Dixie Putman Allison...

I don't think Christmas is

Necessarily about things.

It's about being good to

One another.

- Carrie Fisher


Christmas is a time when

You get homesick …

Even when you're home.

- Carol Nelson


Like snowflakes,

My Christmas memories

Gather and dance …

Each beautiful unique,

And too soon gone.

- Deborah Whipp



Wednesday, December 23, 2020


We can throw stones,

Complain about them,

Stumble on them,

Climb over them,

Or build with them.

- William Arthur Ward


What you get by achieving your goals

Is not as important as what you

Become by achieving your goals.

- Zig Ziglar


Anytime you blame others and complain

About your situation, you are choosing

To be a victim.

By playing the victim role you are putting

Yourself in an ineffective and weak position.

It is virtually impossible to allow incredible

Miracles to enter your life when you choose

To remain in this negative mental state.

- Sonia Ricotti 



Elvis Presley - White Christmas (Official Audio)

Alabama - Christmas In Dixie (Official Audio)

Tuesday, December 22, 2020


Love flies, runs, and rejoices;

It is free and nothing can

Hold it back.

- Thomas A. Kempis


Happiness will never come

To those who fail to appreciate

What they already have.
- Anonymous


Being a role model is the most

Powerful form of educating.
Youngsters need good models

More than they need critics.
It's one of a parent's greatest

Responsibilities and opportunities.
- Coach John Wooden



Monday, December 21, 2020


Whoever loves much does much.

- Thomas A. Kempis


Be thankful for the least gift,

So shalt thou be meant to

Receive greater.

- Thomas A. Kempis


First keep the peace within yourself,

Then you can also bring peace to


- Thomas A. Kempis




Friday, December 18, 2020


Christmas works like glue,

It keeps us all sticking together.

- Rosie Thomas


Christmas gives us the opportunity

To pause and reflect on the important

Things around us.

- David Cameron


The best of all gifts around

Any Christmas tree…

The presence of a happy family

All wrapped up in each other.

- Burton Hills



Thursday, December 17, 2020


In Giving, a man receives

More than he gives;

And the more is in proportion

To the worth of the thing given.

- George McDonald


Plant a kernel of wheat

And you reap a pint;

Plant a pint and you

Reap a bushel.

Always the law works

To give you back more

Than you give.

- Anthony Norvell


A handful of pine-seed

Will cover mountains

With the green majesty

Of forests.

I too will set my face to

The wind and throw my

Handful of seed on high.

- Fiona Macleod


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Wednesday, December 16, 2020

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A Candle in the Window


Remember this December,

That love weighs more than gold.

- Josephine Daskam Bacon


The joy of brightening other lives

Becomes for us the magic of the holidays.

- W. C. Jones


Christmas may be a day of feasting,

Or of prayer, but always it will be a

Day of remembrance …

A day in which we think of everything

We have ever loved.

- Augusta E. Randel


Tuesday, December 15, 2020



On a tombstone far away are the following words engraved in stone…

“Two hearts beat as one” That was my Mom & Dad… 

Rex & Shelby Childs.

Today is their Anniversary although Mom has been

gone nearly six years

She still lives on in her four children,

and three grandchildren.

 I learned so much from them…

How to give… how to live… how to serve… How to love…

These Christmas quotes are posted in their honor.

I love you with all my heart… Mom & Dad



Christmas is forever,

Not for just one day.

For loving, sharing,

Giving, are not to put


- Norman Wesley Brooks


Some Christmas tree ornaments

Do more than glitter and glow,

They represent a gift of love given

A long time ago.

- Tom Baker


And that, of course,

Is the message of Christmas.

We are never alone.

Not when the night is darkest,

The wind coldest,

The world seemingly most


- Taylor Caldwell




Monday, December 14, 2020

Let It Be Christmas


There's nothing cozier

Than a Christmas tree

All lit up.

- Jenny Han


Your children need your presence

More than your presents.

- Jesse Jackson


It's not how much we give

But how much love we

Put into giving.

- Mother Theresa



Saturday, December 12, 2020

121220 Eight Gifts that Don't Cost a Cent!


This simple checklist can help measure how you

Are nurturing your relationships.


1. The Gift of Listening …

But you must really listen.

Don't interrupt, don't daydream,

And don’t plan your response. Just listen.


2. The Gift of Affection …

be generous with appropriate hugs, kisses,

Pats on the back and handholds.

Let these small actions demonstrate the

Love you have for family and friends.


3. The Gift of Laughter …

Clip cartoons. Share articles and funny stories.

Your gift will say, "I love to laugh with you."


4. The Gift of Solitude …

There are times when we want nothing better

Than to be left alone. Be sensitive to those times

and give the gift of solitude to others.


5. The Gift of a Favor …

Every day, go out of your way to do something kind.

Good deeds are cool.


6. The Gift of a Written Note …

it can be a simple "Thanks for your help" note,

Or a longer expression of your appreciation for

That person being in your life.  A brief handwritten

note May be remembered for a lifetime.


7. The Gift of a Compliment …

A simple and sincere, "You look great in red,"

"You did a super job," or "That was a wonderful meal"

Can make someone's day.


8. The Gift of a Cheerful Disposition …

The easiest way to feel good is to extend a

Kind word to someone.


These are eight important ways we can contribute

toward whole and healthy Relationships.

They cost nothing, yet they may well be the most

Valuable gifts We can ever offer another person.

 - Phil Evans


My brother Tim Childs spotted this ad for the Childs Cough Syrup in the Columbus, MS Cracker Barrell


Friday, December 11, 2020

The Cowboy Rides Away

Tracy Lawrence w/Tim McGraw & Kenny Chesney - Find Out Who Your Friends...

The Cowboy In Me

I Go Back

How They Remember You

Georgia Woods


The trick is to realize that

After giving your best,

There’s nothing more to give.

- Sparky Anderson


The human contribution is

The essential ingredient.

It is only in the giving of

Oneself to others that we

Truly live.

- Ethel Percy Andrus


No matter what age you are,

Or what your circumstances

Might be, you are special,

And you still have something

Unique to offer. Your life,

Because of whom you are,

Has meaning.

- Barbara De Angelis



Thursday, December 10, 2020


True happiness is not attained

Through self-gratification,

But through fidelity to a

Worthy purpose.
- Helen Keller


It's really important that you feel good.

Because this feeling good is what goes

Out as a signal into the universe and

Starts to attract more of it to you.

So the more you can feel good,

The more you will attract the things that

Help you feel good and that will keep

Bringing you up higher and higher.

- Joe Vitale


In this world it is not what we take up,
but what we give up, that makes us rich.
- Henry Ward Beecher