Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Do You Remember When You Became A Christian? 070319

Do you remember friend when you became a Christian? 
I remember it well. On July 2nd, 1975 my brother Tim and I
were attending Western Kentucky Christian Youth Camp
near Marion, KY. Our dad Rex Childs was also working 
at the camp that week. 
Following a powerful lesson from Bro. Jerrie Barber I 
found my dad and told him I was ready to become a Christian. 
We also spoke to Tim and he too was ready so our dad
immersed both of us into Jesus Christ. 
It was the happiest day of my life and the greatest decision
I ever made in my life.
I have committed my life in humble service to Jesus Christ. 
I have made many mistakes along the way but I take comfort
in knowing Jesus has forgiven me and I am a child of His.
I am a member of God's family. 
Friend I beg you to become a Christian while time and 
opportunity are yours! Don't leave this earth without Jesus ...
We are so excited at Barn Creek Church of Christ that 
Bro. Mark Posey will be holding our Gospel Meeting 
Sunday July 28th thru Thursday night August 1st. 
If you live in our area we invite you to come and hear
this great servant of God preach the word!

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