Wednesday, April 24, 2019


Trying to get without first giving
Is as fruitless as trying to reap
Without having sown.
- Napoleon Hill Foundation

The desire to serve others is the
Highest impulse of the human heart
and the rewards of such service are
Beyond measure.
If you wish to taste this, then just do it.
Just take one step...
You will see that the tyranny of self-concern,
Worry and trivial pursuits can be released
From your life with that single step.
It doesn't really matter what you do,
It only matters that you do it.
- Ganga Stone

For me, an area of moral clarity is …
you're in front of someone who's suffering
and you have the tools at your disposal
to alleviate that suffering or even eradicate it,
and you act.
- Paul Farmer

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