Sunday, January 13, 2019


Ruler of My Life

The King of Kings controls the world,
And provides all that we need.
He brings happiness, joy, release
From sin’s bondage and Satan’s deed.
He rules my life with tender hand,
And guides me all the day through.
His love holds me with its strong cord,
And gives me courage anew.
King of Heaven! Lord of my life!
Ruler of the universe!
Redeemer from death and all strife,
Calvary’s precious sacrifice!
Give Him your life, your soul, your all;
Yield to His blessed commands.
Turn from the world’s tempting call,
To what Heaven’s love demands.

- Oran Rhodes
Via Fulton Co. Gospel News

God’s Plan of Salvation
1. Hearing the word of God (Rm.10:17; Acts 16:32).
2. Believing what is taught (Mk. 16:16; Heb.11:6)
3. Repentance (Acts 2:38; Lk.13:3; Acts 17:30).
4. Confession (Rm.10:9, 10; Acts 8:37).
5. Baptism (Acts 2:38; Mk.16:16; 1Pet.3:21; Rm.6:3, 4).
6. After the above five steps, faithful Christian living
(1Pet.2:11, 12, Rev.2:10)

The Church of Christ
1. The Bible is its only guide (Rm.1:16; 1Thess.2:13).
2. Wears a Biblical name (Rm.16:16).
3. Established at the right place (Isa.2:2, 3; Acts 2).
4. Established at the right time (Joel 2:28-32; Acts 2).
5. Established on the right person (Mt.16:18; Acts 2:36)
6. Saved are in it (Eph.5:23; Acts 2:47).
7. Its members are enrolled in heaven (Heb.12:23).
8. Membership in it is obtained by obedience to God’s
commands including baptism (Acts 2:41-47; 1Cor.12:13).

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