Sunday, May 27, 2018

052718 God is with me my comfort at all times

I want to share an excerpt from a little devotional book…
“Daily Word … Love, Inspiration, and Guidance for Everyone.
I believe it has an appropriate message for this time …

God is with me … my comfort at all times.
I have no greater friend than God …
A friend who is always there to listen,
Always there to comfort me.
When I am troubled, God is with me,
Listening to my every word.
If I am grieving over the loss of something or someone,
God tenderly holds my hand.
If the pain I may be experiencing because of this loss seems
More than I can bear, God carries my burden for me,
Loving me so much that I have love to share.
Such pain may not be completely diminished at first,
But in time I learn to totally and wholeheartedly rely on
God’s active presence in my life.
I can draw upon the comfort and strength of God at any time.
And I do.
The Prophet Isaiah wrote …

Don’t worry—I am with you.
    Don’t be afraid—I am your God.
I will make you strong and help you.
    I will support you with my right hand that brings victory.”
(Isa.41:10 Easy-to-read-Version)

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