Monday, February 19, 2018


Never mind what others didn’t do.
It’s what you do that counts.
- Napoleon Hill Foundation

Dwell not on the past. Use it to illustrate a point,
Then leave it behind... From this moment onward
You can be an entirely different person,
Filled with love and understanding, ready with an
Outstretched hand, uplifted and positive in every
Thought and deed.
- Eileen Caddy

I keep telling them, this is not about me.
My job is to help each individual player get
Better and have a team that understands for
Everyone to benefit, they have to do this together.
This is a basketball team. It's a team sport more
Than any other sport out there and it happens real fast.
- Coach John Calipari
Comment following Kentucky’s 81-71
Victory over Alabama 2/17/18

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