Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Does Jesus Care ~ The Jordanaires ~ lyric video

13118 quotes in honor of my mother

There are three things to leave behind …
Your photographs, your library,
And your personal journals.
These things are certainly going to be
More valuable to future generations
Than your furniture.
- Jim Rohn

Those we love don't go away,
they walk beside us every day,
Unseen, unheard, but always near,
Still loved, still missed and very dear.
Wishing us hope in the midst of sorrow,
Offering comfort in the midst o pain,
Both today and tomorrow.
- Anonymous 

Then I heard a voice from heaven.

It said, “Write this: From now on there
Are great blessings for those who belong
To the Lord when they die.”
The Spirit says, “Yes, that is true.
They will rest from their hard work.
What they have done will stay with them.”
- Revelation 14:13 ERV

Tuesday, January 30, 2018


We can let circumstances rule us,
or we can take charge and rule our
Lives from within.
- Earl Nightingale

Success is to be measured not so much
by the position that one has reached in life
as by the obstacles which he has overcome.
- Booker T. Washington

You understand that improvement is a process.
World-class athletes are always working on adding
Some aspect to their game.
- Coach John Calipari

Monday, January 29, 2018


When you live for a strong purpose,
Then hard work isn’t an option.
It’s a necessity.
- Steve Pavlina

Every man and woman is born into the world
to do something unique and something distinctive;
and if he or she does not do it, it will never be done.
- Benjamin E. Mays

“He (Coach Calipari) just said, good win.
He introduced us to his high school coach,
His college coach.
Like he said, it was a great win for us.
A lot of people had us losing this game
So we prepared. One thing he said is we
Prepared really well for this game.
Our shoot around was good,
The two practices before this game were
Really good. Our practices and the way we
Prepared were a really big factor in why
We won this (West Virginia) game.”
- Kevin Knox

Saturday, January 27, 2018


Whoever renders service to many puts himself
In line for greatness … great wealth, great return,
Great satisfaction, great reputation, and great joy.
- Jim Rohn

You cannot control what happens to you,
but you can control your attitude toward
What happens to you, and in that, you will
Be mastering change rather than allowing
It to master you.
- Brian Tracy

I’ve got a big sign in my office that says
Everything else is a distraction …
All the clutter, all the hearsay, all the opinions.
It’s all a distraction.
- Coach John Calipari

Friday, January 26, 2018


Prosperity is a way of living and thinking,
And not just money or things.
Poverty is a way of living and thinking,
And not just a lack of money or things.
- Eric Butterworth

Take the trouble to stop and think of the
Other person's feelings, his viewpoints,
His desires and needs.
Think more of what the other fellow wants,
And how he must feel.
- Maxwell Maltz

Success or failure depends more upon
Attitude than upon capacity successful
Men act as though they have accomplished
Or are enjoying something.
Soon it becomes a reality. Act, look,
Feel successful, conduct yourself accordingly,
And you will be amazed at the positive results.
- William James

Thursday, January 25, 2018


We look ahead and not back in the rear view mirror.
- Chipper Jones

Why not chase what some see as impossible?
Why not believe in yourself?
Why not dare to be great...
Even if it means being different?"
- John Smoltz

You play the game to win the World Series.
Cy Young's are nice, they really are.
They're great and I'm proud of them...
But easily the biggest thing I've accomplished
Is getting that World Series ring
- Greg Maddux 

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


Successful people are simply
Those with successful habits.
- Brian Tracy

Regardless of who you are or
Where you’ve been, you can be
What you want to be.
- W. Clement Stone

We will receive not what we idly
Wish for but what we justly earn.
Our rewards will always be in
Exact proportion to our service.
- Earl Nightingale

Tuesday, January 23, 2018


You will never reach your destination
If you stop and throw stones at every
Dog that barks.
- Winston Churchill

One philosophy of my program is that
We don’t harp on weaknesses;
We build on strengths.
- Coach John Calipari

I always keep our focus on us,
Rather than the competition,
And I would argue that is sound
Strategy for any business and is
Its own form of empowerment.
We control our outcomes rather
Than get distracted by what’s
Happening on the periphery.
- Coach John Calipari

Monday, January 22, 2018


Hard times don't create heroes.
It is during the hard times when
The "hero" within us is revealed.
- Bob Riley

Always…Unconditionally…Follow your heart.
Understand that persistence, hard work, and
Determination are the keys to success.
- Barbara Cage

As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously
Give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our fear, our presence
Automatically liberates others.
- Marianne Williamson

Saturday, January 20, 2018


Get excited and enthusiastic about you own dream.
This excitement is like a forest fire …
You can smell it, taste it, and see it from a mile away.
- Denis Waitley

The potential of the average person is like a huge
Ocean unsailed, a new continent unexplored,
A world of possibilities waiting to be released
And channeled toward some great good.
- Brian Tracy

Moral courage is essential not only for a
Virtuous life but a happy one.
Without courage, our fears and failures
Confine us like a barbed wire fence.
- Michael Josephson

Friday, January 19, 2018


No amount of reading or memorizing will make
You successful in life. It is the understanding
And application of wise thought that counts.
- Bob Proctor

All blame is a waste of time. No matter how much
Fault you find with another, and regardless of how
Much you blame him, it will not change you.
- Wayne Dyer

The man who complains about the way the ball
Bounces is likely to be the one who dropped it.
- Coach Lou Holtz

Thursday, January 18, 2018


Let us touch the dying,
The poor, the lonely and
The unwanted according
To the graces we have
Received and let us not
Be ashamed or slow to
Do the humble work.
- Mother Teresa

For me, an area of moral clarity is …
you're in front of someone who's suffering
and you have the tools at your disposal
to alleviate that suffering or even eradicate it,
and you act.
- Paul Farmer

Religion is a blessing when, and only when,
it provides a focus for a compassionate community
to minister to its members and to the world at large.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Wednesday, January 17, 2018


Don't count the days,
Make the days count.
- Muhammad Ali

The struggle ends when the gratitude begins.
- Neale Donald Walsch

You are either honest or dishonest.
There can be no compromise between the two.
- Napoleon Hill Foundation

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

greatest dunks in uk history

Shai Gilgeous Alexander vs. Vanderbilt - Full Coverage | 1.13.18 | 22 Pt...


"I go back to my team I had at Massachusetts when I
played five and six guys. One of the great mentors I've
had in this game, his name was Jack Leaman, coached
Julius (Erving) at UMass. He told me I play too many guys.
So, in 2010 when Coach (John) Wooden was still alive I 
called him and I said, 'Have you watched my team? 
We're not an execution team. Do you have any ideas?'
Coach Wooden: 'You play too many people.' And he said,
'I know why you do, because kids will transfer. 
We played five guys and you earned your space. 
I played a sixth guy if I needed to. You earn it in practice.'

"So, these guys should be happy. They got tired. 
PJ (Washington) didn't play well. I mean, he got tired. 
Hami (Diallo) and Shai (Gilgeous-Alexander), 
when they get tired, their decision-making is not the same.
But I played two guards 39 minutes a game when I was
there at UMass that year. It was the best team I coached – 
I didn't say the most talented, even though Marcus Camby
may be one of the most talented guys I've ever coached. 
The rest of the guys were really good ... I hate to tell you,
they were juniors and seniors. They were veterans. 
But, I played five.

"If you asked these guys, would you rather play half-a-game, 
or just play every minute, what do you think they're going to say?’
I'll be good. I'll play every minute.'
- Coach Calipari

Comments following the 74-67 victory at Vanderbilt 1/13/18

Thursday, January 11, 2018


Think like a man of action,
Act like a man of thought.
- Henri Bergson

To accomplish great things,
We must not only act,
But also dream;
Not only plan,
But also believe.
- Anatole France

We lift ourselves by our thought.
We climb upon our vision of ourselves.
If you want to enlarge your life,
You must first enlarge your thought
Of it and of yourself.
Hold the ideal of yourself as you long to be,
Always everywhere.
- Orison Swett Marden

Wednesday, January 10, 2018


History can’t help us win the next game.
- Coach Nick Saban
ESPN 2/9/13

The biggest thing is to focus on winning football.
Don’t get caught in all the clutter.
- Coach Nick Saban
Sport Illustrated 1/14/13

We get everybody else’s best game because of
Who we are and what we’ve done.
- Coach Nick Saban
The Sporting News 9/8/10

Saturday, January 06, 2018

Alabama - My Homes In Alabama

Tim McGraw - Southern Voice (Official Music Video)

Coach Nick Saban quotes 10618

We're working to be a champion.
- Coach Nick Saban

We love college coaching because of the ability
It gives you to (see players) overcoming adversity.
- Coach Nick Saban

“We want our players to say,
'This is who I am; this is how I'm going to play,
I've got the discipline to do it."
They can "stand up and say I did everything
I could do to make it right. I did right, I worked hard,
I was responsible to my teammates."
- Coach Nick Saban