Saturday, September 02, 2017


You have a better offseason when the players
Have a big challenge in the first game.
And if you play a weak team and win 45-7,
You don’t know if your team is really good or
Not good.
- Coach Nick Saban

You play for your team and what your team can do.
You want your team to dominate so that they can
Be successful. You really want to win on your ability
To execute, not on someone else's inability…
You don't really want anything bad to happen to the
Other team, you just want your team to play well.
- Coach Nick Saban

I think class is a real critical part of any organization.
It’s a word that I see, that comes up on our board when
We do some of our traditional stuff here as a part of our
university, as a part of our football tradition.
I think class is an important part of what we try to do in
Terms of how we represent our state, our institution,
And I want this program to always reflect class in how
We go about doing things. We expect it from the players,
And if we don’t get it, we certainly do everything we can
To correct it and change their behavior so that we do get it.
And I think that that should extend to every part of the 
organization. Every part of the organization. I don’t care if
You are a supporter, or you’re a fan, or whatever you do,
The way you support the team should be done with class
As well.
- Coach Nick Saban

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