Monday, February 27, 2017


The most splendid achievement of all is the
Constant striving to surpass yourself and to
Be worthy of your own approval.
- Denis Waitley

Take time to live, it is the secret of success.
Take time to think, it is the source of power.
Take time to play, it is the secret of youth.
Take time to read, it is the foundation of knowledge.
Take time for friendship, it is the source of happiness.
Take time to laugh, it helps lift life’s load.
Take time to dream, it hitches the soul to the stars.
Take time for God, it is life’s only lasting investment.  
- Joshua Wooden

The Extra Mile Formula

Q1 + Q2 + MA = C

Q1 = quality of service;
Q2 = quantity of service;
MA = mental attitude;
C = compensation
- Napoleon Hill

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