Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work in hand.
The Sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus
- Alexander Graham Bell

You cannot keep determined people from success.
If you place stumbling blocks in their way,
They will use them for stepping stones and
Climb to new heights.
- Mary Kay Ash

You gotta learn to love the grind.
Because life IS the grind.
- Coach John Calipari

Monday, February 27, 2017


The most splendid achievement of all is the
Constant striving to surpass yourself and to
Be worthy of your own approval.
- Denis Waitley

Take time to live, it is the secret of success.
Take time to think, it is the source of power.
Take time to play, it is the secret of youth.
Take time to read, it is the foundation of knowledge.
Take time for friendship, it is the source of happiness.
Take time to laugh, it helps lift life’s load.
Take time to dream, it hitches the soul to the stars.
Take time for God, it is life’s only lasting investment.  
- Joshua Wooden

The Extra Mile Formula

Q1 + Q2 + MA = C

Q1 = quality of service;
Q2 = quantity of service;
MA = mental attitude;
C = compensation
- Napoleon Hill

Sunday, February 26, 2017


There is nothing stronger in the world than gentleness.
- Han Suyin

We climb mountains so that we may see the world;
Not so the world may see us.
- David McCullough

Whatever you do, do with kindness.
Whatever you say, say with kindness.
Wherever you go, radiate kindness.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Saturday, February 25, 2017


Personnel determines the potential of the team.
Vision determines the direction of the team.
Work ethic determines the preparation of the team.
Leadership determines the success of the team.
- John C. Maxwell

Great effort springs naturally from great attitude.
- Pat Riley

When you’re trying to make somebody the best version
Of themselves, you have to keep defining that over a
Period of time because sometimes it changes.
- Coach John Calipari

Friday, February 24, 2017


Life gives us choices…
You either grab on with both hands
And just go for it, or you sit on the sidelines.
- Christine Feehan

You can't let praise or criticism get to you.
It's a weakness to get caught up in either one.
- Coach John Wooden

Your mental attitude is the most dependable
Key to your personality.
- Napoleon Hill Foundation

Thursday, February 23, 2017


One can pay back the loan of gold,
but one dies forever in debt to those who are kind.
- Malayan Proverb

What you leave behind is not what is engraved 
in stone monuments, but what is woven into the
lives of others.
- Pericles

Your best is ALWAYS good enough.
After you have truly done your best,
release your attachment to the outcome.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Wednesday, February 22, 2017


We win because we play together as a team.
- John Havlicek

There’s no one who’s dropped on top of the mountain.
You’ve got to work your way to the top.
- Coach Al McGuire

The guys that make game winners are
The guys that are not afraid to miss them.
- Coach John Calipari

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Time is more valuable than money.
You can get more money,
But you cannot get more time.
- Jim Rohn

Apathy can be overcome by enthusiasm,
And enthusiasm can be aroused by two things …
First, an idea which takes the imagination by storm;
And second, a definite, intelligible plan for carrying
That idea into action.
- Arnold Toynbee

Most people reserve celebration for some future "special day."
I choose to celebrate each and every day as a special day.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Monday, February 20, 2017


If you are not willing to risk the unusual,
You will have to settle for the ordinary.
- Jim Rohn

The quality and quantity of the service you render,
Plus the attitude with which you render it,
Determine the amount of pay you get and
The sort of job you hold.
- Napoleon Hill Foundation

Welfare’s purpose should be to eliminate,
As far as possible, the need for it own existence.
- Ronald Reagan

Saturday, February 18, 2017


Blessed are those who can give without
Remembering and take without forgetting.
- Elizabeth Bibesco

Doing what you love is the cornerstone
Of having abundance in your life.
- Wayne Dyer

Patience, persistence and perspiration
make an unbeatable combination for success.
- Napoleon Hill

Friday, February 17, 2017


Achievement is largely the product of steadily
Raising one's levels of aspiration . . . and expectation.
- Jack Nicklaus

Life's battles don't always go
to the stronger or faster man,
but soon or late the man who wins
is the man who thinks he can.
- Arnold Palmer

Focus on Results.
Every golf stroke creates a result.
Sometimes the ball goes in the hole;
Sometimes it goes out of bounds. 
Golfers tend to focus …
(1) On the result they would have preferred,
Which is merely wishful thinking, or
(2) On beating themselves up for being so "stupid",
Which is painful. 
Learn from every swing.
Observe the results you actually get. 
Life never lies!
- Dr. Philip E. Humbert

Thursday, February 16, 2017


Think about it, no one can win a race in which
He had given up. You can’t win a battle for which
You have surrendered.
- Mary Kay Ash

Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind
And nourish with repetition and emotion will
One day become a reality.
- Earl Nightingale

The only thing I pay attention to with free throws is
What a guy does in the final four minutes of a game.
If you can improve players’ self-esteem and confidence,
Get them to relax, teach visualization and routine,
They will shoot as well, or better, with the pressure on.
- Coach John Calipari

Wednesday, February 15, 2017


A strong beginning is a good thing only when
Coupled with a strong finish.
- Mary Kay Ash

Whoever is careless with the truth in small
Matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
- Albert Einstein

Practice gotta be harder than the games and
It never is unless you want it to be as a player.
The coach can’t drive that.
- Coach John Calipari

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


Love is life.
And if you miss love, you miss life.
- Leo Buscaglia

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch,
A smile, a kind word, a listening ear,
An honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring,
All of which have the potential to turn a life around.
- Leo Buscaglia

A loving relationship is one in which
the loved one is free to be himself …
to laugh with me, but never at me;
to cry with me, but never because of me;
to love life, to love himself,
to love being loved.
Such a relationship is based upon freedom
and can never grow in a jealous heart.
- Leo Buscaglia

Monday, February 13, 2017


Take control of your destiny.
Believe in yourself.
Ignore those who try to discourage you.
Avoid negative sources, people, places, things and habits.
Don’t give up and don’t give in.
- Wanda Hope Carter

It is not the magnitude of our actions
but the amount of love
that is put into them that matters.
- Mother Teresa

Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news.
The good news is that you don't know how great you can be!
How much you can love!
What you can accomplish!
And what your potential is!
- Anne Frank

Sunday, February 12, 2017


That was a happy locker room. 
(Following a 67-58 victory over
Alabama in Tuscaloosa 2-11-17)
It’s a locker room that cares,
That cares about each other.
- Coach John Calipari
That thing went off, (Hotel Fire Alarm) 
I knew I was on the third floor; put the pillow over my head, 
You’re not going to die from three stories. 
If I’d smelled smoke, I’d have jumped out of the window and
Broke both legs and told my wife, it’s not all bad. 
I get to take the rest of the season off.
- Coach John Calipari
In the world there are believers
And then there are non-believers.
For all of you non-believers out there,
I have something to say to you...
Never underestimate the heart of a champion.
- Coach Rudy Tom Johnavich 

Saturday, February 11, 2017


I believe that good defense embodies
Seven cardinal principles …
Reduce the number of your opponent’s shots.
Force your opponent into low percentage shots.
Control everything within 18 feet.
Eliminate second shots.
No easy baskets.
Point the ball on all long shots.
Prevent the ball from going into the pivot man.
- Coach Adolph Rupp

The most difficult thing for individuals to do when
They become part of a team is to sacrifice …
It is much easier to be selfish.
- Pat Riley

You understand, you do not invent stuff on this team.
Guys that invent stuff will not play for me.
Make the easy play.
- Coach John Calipari