Monday, January 09, 2017

10917 Eddie Jackson excerpt

What distinguishes us is not our expectation to win,
But rather it’s our refusal to lose. The difference between
This team and all the others isn’t just found in what happens
On the field, it’s also found in how we handle our business on
The sidelines.The teams we beat get down when we start
making plays.

They might be jumping up and down, hollering during pregame, 
but by the third quarter they’re usually sitting quietly with their
heads in their hands.

But that’s not how we operate.

On our sideline, there are no separate units. The defensive
Guys pump up the offensive guys, and vice versa. If another
Team makes a play against us, nobody believes we’re beat. 
Instead, we rally around each other. We pump each other up
And shout, “That’s all they’re getting this game! 
That’s the only play!” And we all believe it. 
That kind of thinking is our edge. 
That confidence is what makes us champions.
Keep that positive energy. We’re in this together.

- Eddie Jackson

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