Saturday, November 12, 2016

111216 a Stronger Than Negativity

The Daily Motivator message for
Saturday, November 12, 2016

Stronger than negativity
By Ralph Marston

Being positive is not a matter of hiding or denying what’s negative.
Being positive is being stronger than the negativity.
When you’re wrong, admit it. Then you can let the error go, correct
it, and move forward.
When you’re frightened, admit it. When you no longer fear the fear
itself, that fear loses power and you gain the strength to deal with it.
When something is not working, admit it. The sooner you do, the more solidly you can move on to something else.
You have the power to face the problems, to act on them, to come
out ahead. Engage that power by admitting what’s wrong, by choosing
to see it clearly.
Have the courage to shine a bright light on what’s holding you back. 
And you’ll find the strength to move successfully beyond it.

© 2016 Ralph S. Marston, Jr.

From The Daily Motivator website at

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