Saturday, March 05, 2016

3516 a quotes

Alex is one of the most humble guys
I’ve ever played with. Class act on and off the court.
- Nerlens Noel

Wish I could be there with AP on senior day because I
Consider him one of my best friends. One of the nicest
Guys I’ve ever been around but he’d be the first one to
Dunk on you. Will always remember this quote he always
Used to use … courage doesn’t always roar.
Think it describes him perfectly because he didn’t have
To be the most talkative guy on the court because he let
His game do the talking for him. He’s a straight beast.
No matter what happens with this game for the both of us,
I know I’ll have him as a lifetime friend along with all the
Other guys I played with at UK.
- Kyle Wiltjer

AP is a very hardworking and humble. He is one of my very
Best friends, he will always be one of my brothers we’ve
Been through a lot together. We went from literally the
Bottom to the top in the country making history.
Congrats on your senior night.
- Willie Cauley-Stein

Alex wasn’t special because of his athletic ability or
Basketball ability. Alex was special because he was Alex.
One of the greatest teammates I’ve ever had and one of
The best humans I’ve ever met.
- Karl-Anthony Towns

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