Friday, January 08, 2016

Coach Calipari quote 1816

We’ve taken steps forward and back this year. 
At the end of the day, this falls on me as the coach … 
not individual players … to transform this group to where
we’re trying to go. Their job is to be enthusiastic, to play 
hard, to play physical, to be loose and to have fun. 
They control that.
This transformation begins with a coach’s vision of what
the team and individuals’ best version looks like, and having
an unrelenting will to have the team work toward that vision. 
They must buy in! 
Eventually, the team feels empowered because they "get it"
and can play together with a common goal. 
They accept roles, they have fun playing and they look for
incremental improvement daily.
I believe in this team (2015-16) of players. 
We have to work toward empowering them.  
- Coach John Calipari

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