Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Your big opportunity may be where you are right now. 
- Napoleon Hill

Winners take time to relish their work,
knowing that scaling the mountain is what makes the
view from the top so exhilarating.
- Denis Waitley

Now, my team, again, we're an energy team. If we come out and 
the other team is more excited about playing than we are, you're 
going to have a close game or we're going to lose or it's going to 
go to overtime. So you got to make that other team match our 
energy. Not the other way around. And you got to go through that. 
I love the fact that the games are close. I love the fact that one 
game we needed freshmen to step up and make plays, the next 
game we needed our vets. And I say vets … our 19-year-old 
vets … but they had to come up and make plays, and that's how 
this has been all year for us.
- Coach John Calipari

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