Saturday, October 18, 2014


Succeed and Proceed.
- Coach John Calipari

There’s a circle of our players. You have to be in that circle to lead, to be a part of something. If you’re not, you’re outside the circle, you’re never going to lead, you’re never going to be a part of what we’re doing.
- Coach John Calipari

These kids (2014-15 Kentucky Team) are the greatest kids
that I’ve coached. Every one of them wants to be coached, 
wants to be challenged, wants to be taken to another level. 
They’re not here to just show us what they do. 
And they care about one another, they’re comfortable 
in their own skin. BUT, we’re doing something that’s never
been done in college basketball and trying to make it work
at Kentucky! Not at a place you can stub your toe five times 
and it’ll be fine. Under this glowing light that’s this, 
Gonna be hard. It’s going to be a process. 
It’s gonna be step at a time. Some of you will jump off the
bandwagon right away. Some of you may have jumped off already. 
Some of you hope to jump off. Stuff like that happens.
- Coach John Calipari

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