Sunday, December 02, 2012

Coach Nick Saban quotes 120212

We created a great opportunity for ourselves.
-  Coach Nick Saban
(Comment made after his Tide beat the Bulldogs at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta 12/01/12)

We have a goal for how many explosive plays that we want to make.
We don’t want to make those explosive plays at the expense of making poor decisions that are going to turn into turnovers and interceptions.
Taking care of the ball and managing the game are more important than that.
-  Coach Nick Saban

There are two pains in life. There is the pain of discipline and the pain of disappointment. If you can handle the pain of discipline, then you'll never have to deal with the pain of disappointment, you play for your team and what your team can do. You want your team to dominate so that they can be successful. You really want to win on your ability to execute, not on someone else's inability… You don't really want anything bad to happen to the other team; you just want your team to play well.
-  Coach Nick Saban

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