Thursday, September 28, 2023

092823 The Concealed Weapon in Your Mouth…

The Concealed Weapon in Your Mouth…

Andrew Ray


Inside of your mouth lies one of the most dangerous

Weapons ever used by mankind.


It has destroyed friends, families, churches and peoples.

It is such a little member, but it packs a wicked punch.


That member is your tongue.


It ought to be used to praise the Lord and spread His word,

But is most often used to devour others and spread gossip.


This member of yours is so dangerous that the Bible likens

It to a sharp sword or razor…


Psa. 52:2

“Your tongue makes plans to destroy

Like a sharp knife, you who lie.”


Psa. 57:4

“My soul is among lions.

I must lie among the sons of men who

Breathe fire, whose teeth are spears and

Arrows, and whose tongues are a sharp sword.”


Psa. 59:7

“See, they spit with their mouth.

Swords are in their lips. And they say,

“Who can hear us?”


Psa. 64:3

“They have made their tongues sharp like a sword.

They use poison words like arrows.”


To a serpent…


Psa. 140:3

“They make their tongues sharp like a snake’s.

And the poison of a snake is under their lips.”

And to a fire



Jas. 3:5-6

“The tongue is also a small part of the body,

But it can speak big things.

See how a very small fire can set many trees on fire.

The tongue is a fire. It is full of wrong.

It poisons the whole body.

The tongue sets our whole lives on fire with

A fire that comes from hell.



Perhaps we ought to pray like David when he said,


Psa. 141:3

“O Lord, put a watch over my mouth.

Keep watch over the door of my lips.”


Edited by H.C.




Whatever is begun in anger ends in shame. 

- Benjamin Franklin



A lady once came to Billy Sunday and tried to

Rationalize her angry outbursts.

"There's nothing wrong with losing my temper,"

She said. "I blow up, and then it's all over." 

"So does a shotgun," Sunday replied,

"And look at the damage it leaves behind!"

- Billy Sunday.



In the spring of 1894, the Baltimore Orioles

Came to Boston to play a routine baseball game.

But what happened that day was anything but routine.

The Orioles' John McGraw got into a fight with the

Boston third baseman.

Within minutes all the players from both teams had

Joined in the brawl.

The warfare quickly spread to the grandstands.

Among the fans the conflict went from bad to worse.

Someone set fire to the stands and the entire

Ballpark burned to the ground.

Not only that, but the fire spread to 107 other

Boston buildings as well. 


- Daily Bread, August 13, 1992.


 For further information about the fire




Tuesday, September 26, 2023

092623 Invasive Carp in TN River...


ADCNR Installs Invasive Carp Signs at 

Tennessee River Public Boat Ramps


Press release
September 12, 2023
Contact: WFF Fisheries Section, (256) 353-2634

ADCNR Installs Invasive Carp Signs at Tennessee River Public Boat Ramps
Boaters and anglers asked to report sightings/harvests

The Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (ADCNR) is expanding

its awareness campaign about two species of invasive carp that pose a potential threat to

the state’s native freshwater fish and habitats – bighead and silver carp.

The Fisheries Section of ADCNR’s Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries (WFF) Division is

in the process of posting informational signs at public boat ramps along the Tennessee

River in north Alabama to help boaters and anglers identify bighead and silver carp if 

sighted in or harvested from the river. The signs will be posted at all ADCNR public boat

ramps along the Tennessee River this fall.

“Due to the threat posed by invasive carp we are working to protect the state’s aquatic

resources from these invaders,” said Chris Greene, Chief of WFF’s Fisheries Section.

“Currently, the areas of concern for silver carp in Alabama are the Tennessee and 

Tombigbee rivers. When established, these fish not only negatively impact native fishes 

they can also harm boaters by jumping out of the water when startled by the vibrations

and noises produced by boat motors. A jumping carp strike can cause serious injury to

anyone on board a vessel.”

Similar to the threat posed by feral pigs on land, invasive carp outcompete with other

native species for food and habitat including the state’s important game fish. As their

range expands, the potential to wreak havoc on lakes, rivers and local economies in 

Alabama increases. The well-documented competition with native fishes in other states

is a primary concern for freshwater fisheries managers in Alabama.

There are four species of invasive carp that have been introduced in the U.S. –

bighead, silver, grass and black carp. These fish have long been an issue in parts of the

Midwest. Bighead, silver and grass carp are known to exist in Alabama waters.

Silver and black carp are the greatest immediate threat to Alabama due to the state’s

abundant aquatic resources and habitat. To date, black carp have not been documented

in the state.

Alabama has partnered with neighboring state and federal natural resource agencies to

address the issue of invasive carp management. These partnerships and the active

monitoring of invasive carp populations in Alabama by WFF Fisheries Section staff

are critical in containing the threat posed by these species. However, WFF fisheries

biologists need assistance from the public with monitoring for invasive carp.

Boaters and anglers are encouraged to report sightings and/or harvests of bighead and

silver carp to WFF’s Fisheries Section by phone at (256) 353-2634 or by email at When reporting a sighting or harvest, please provide the

following information: the location (GPS coordinates, if possible), the date and clear

photos of the fish. If reporting the harvest of an invasive carp, it is very important that

you do not release it back into the water.

For more information about invasive carp in Alabama, 


ADCNR promotes wise stewardship, management and enjoyment of Alabama’s

natural resources through four divisions: Marine Resources, State Lands, State Parks,

and Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries. Learn more at





Monday, September 25, 2023

092523 Mama had a policy on me...

I met a man some time ago

Who told me…


“Mama had a policy on me and

When she passed the policy

Came up missing”


He has no life insurance at all.


Don’t let this happen to you.


Step up and take responsibility

For providing coverage for yourself and

Your family!


I Still Make House Calls!


Hayden Childs

Alabama Licensed Agent


(205) 269-1382