Monday, May 29, 2023

052923 Memorial Day 2023


In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved, and now we lie,

In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields.

- John McCrae

Sunday, May 28, 2023

052823 In Loving Memory of Colson Lee Clark...


Colson our grand-son would be 3 years old today.

He would be a “big brother” to our

Precious grand-daughter Caragan who just 

Celebrated her 2nd Birthday.


We miss Colson very much.

He is in Heaven with Jesus.

With all our Love,

- Pops & Nana




Saturday, May 27, 2023

052723 Memorial Day Tributes...

Memorial Day is a time to

be reminded of the sacrifices
others made for us to enjoy
what we have today.

A hero is someone
who has given his or her
Life to something bigger
Than oneself.
- Joseph Campbell

Today I am honoring
two American heroes
both from small-town

Mark Andrew Forester
Home town...
Haleyville, AL


Billy Ray Cyrus - Some Gave All (Official Music Video) 



Johnny Micheal "Mike" Spann
Home town...
Winfield, AL

Arlington - Trace Adkins



Thursday, May 25, 2023

052523 Patriotic Quotes...

Duty, honor, country.

Those three hallowed words

Reverently dictate what

You ought to be,

What you can be,

What you will be.

- Gen. Douglas MacArthur


One flag,

One land,

One heart,

One hand,

One nation


- Oliver Wendell Holmes


I think patriotism

Is like charity…

It begins at home.

- Henry James


I believe in America because

We have great dreams,

And because we have the

Opportunity to make those

Dreams come true.

- Wendell Willkie


Freedom is one of the

Deepest and noblest

Aspirations of the

Human spirit.

- Ronald Wilson Reagan 





Wednesday, May 24, 2023


“All the earth will worship You

 and sing praises to You.

They will sing praises to Your name.”

- Psalm 66:4


When writing the story of your life,

Don’t let anyone else hold the pen.

- Harley Davidson


It is more fitting for a man

To laugh at life than

To lament over it.

- Seneca


Three things you cannot recover in life…

The WORD after it’s said,

The MOMENT after it’s missed and

The TIME after it’s gone.

- Ziad K. Abdelnour


The most beautiful people we have known

Are those who have known defeat,

Known suffering, known struggle, known loss,

And have found their way out of the depths.

These persons have an appreciation,

A sensitivity and an understanding of life that

Fills them with compassion, gentleness,

And a deep loving concern.

Beautiful people do not just happen.

- Elizabeth Kubler-Ross 




Tuesday, May 23, 2023

052323 "What-If's"



Insurance is for what I call

The “what-if’s of life.


If you have a loss of property

Due to fire or wind storm or other

Covered peril you want

Your contents in your home

I.e. apartment, mobile home or

House insured.


It is the same for life insurance.

You want your policy in force

The day you pass from this

Earth life.


It is really “love” insurance

You love your family

And don’t want your passing

To burden them financially.

I work for you to get you

The most coverage for the

“Bottom” dollar.


Insurance is far cheaper

Than most people imagine!


Unless you have the money

Set aside for a contents loss

Or a unexpected death in

Your family friend You

Need Insurance!



“If you wait,

All that happens is

You get older.”

- Larry McMurtry



I Still Make House Calls!


Hayden Childs, Agent

(205) 269-1382






“Sing to the Lord a new song.

Let all the earth sing to the Lord.”

- Psalm 96:1


We cannot change life!  

We can only change

The way we live life.

Any moment is the

Best moment,

And any place is

The best place.

- Tishan


Life leaps like a geyser

For those willing to drill

Through the rock

of inertia.

- Alexis Carrel


A man who is a master

Of patience is master

Of everything else.

- George Savile



Saturday, May 20, 2023



 I will sing to the Lord all my life.

I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.”

Psalm 104:33



The key to immortality

Is first living a life

Worth remembering. 

- Bruce Lee



If we were to make the

Conscious and frequent

Effort of treating others

With consideration,

The effects on us and on

Society as a whole

Would be amazing.

- Henry Charles Link



Your purpose explains

What you are doing

With your life.

Your vision explains

How you are living

Your purpose.

Your goals enable you

To realize your vision. 

- Bob Proctor  



Wednesday, May 17, 2023

051723 8 Tips To Prevent Kitchen Fires...

8 Tips to Prevent Kitchen Fires…


Don’t let your next dinner party go up in smoke!

Cooking fires are the most common cause of household fires,

And you don't have to own a commercial-sized Viking range to

Feel the heat.


From grease spills to stray dishtowels, even a tiny cook top in

A studio apartment can set a blaze.


Follow these eight tips to reduce your risks for an apartment

 Kitchen fire.


* 1. Stay in the kitchen.


This may seem obvious, but, according to the National Fire

Protection Association, unattended cooking is the number

One cause of cooking fires.

If you must leave a stove unattended, turn off the heat and

Move the pan to a cool burner.


* 2. Use a timer. 


Check food regularly, whether you’re simmering, baking,

Boiling or roasting.

Using a timer can help remind you to check on your dish.


* 3. Keep the stove top clear.


Keep dishtowels, oven mitts, and paper towels…

anything that can catch fire… away from your stovetop.


* 4. Dress for the occasion.


Wear close-fitting clothes, and tightly roll up sleeves, when

You’re cooking. Loose clothing can come in contact with

burners and catch fire.


* 5. Wipe up spills.


Cooking on a dirty stove, or in a dirty oven, is just inviting a

Potential fire. Grease buildup is flammable; clean your stove

every time you cook and promptly wipe up any spills.


* 6. Don’t overheat your oils.


Overheated cooking oil can start to smoke and bubble up,

which can cause it to spill out and ignite.


* 7. Wait for grease to cool before disposing.


Toss hot grease into your trashcan and it could go up in

flames! wait for it to cool before disposing of it in the garbage.

Or, better yet, pour it into an old food can before tossing it out.


* 8. Keep your smoke detectors working.


A smoke detector is an important fire safety device and your

first Line of defense. Make sure your landlord has installed one.

And make a mental note to change the batteries twice a year,

when you change your clocks for daylight savings time.


If a small fire does erupt on your stove top, you might try to

Smother it by sliding a lid over the pan; turn off the burner,

And leave the pan uncovered until it has cooled.


For an oven fire, turn off the heat and keep the door closed.


But, when it doubt, just get out.

Too many people have been injured trying to fight fires


Close the door behind you to help contain the fire, and call 911.

Renters insurance will help replace your valuables,

But it can’t replace you!


- Apartment Guide Editorial Team



I Still Make House Calls!


Hayden Childs

Alabama Licensed Agent

(205) 269-1382



I provide coverage thru…

Independent Mutual Fire Insurance Company

Hunt Valley MD


We offer 4 Convenient Payment Options…

1. Mail

2. Draft

3. Phone

4. Online



Saturday, May 13, 2023

051323 Boston Celtics Quotes...

The MVP award was very

Satisfying in terms of

Personal accomplishments,

But the championship was

The most important thing of all.

- Bob Cousy


Create unselfishness

As the most important

Team attribute.

- Bill Russell


If there was a payment

To the bank due,

And we needed shoes,

She’d get the shoes,

And then deal with them

Guys at the bank.

I don't mean she wouldn't

Pay the bank,

But the children always

Came first.

- Larry Bird

An acre of performance

Is worth a whole world

Of promise.

- Red Auerbach




Friday, May 12, 2023

051223 Stop Thinking If Only...

Stop Thinking "If Only"
"If only I could get a better break."
"If only I had some money."
"If only I would've married the right person."
"If only I worked for the right company."
"If only I had the right parents."
Do you pull back from taking full personal responsibility
for yourself?

Many of us do. We think that a parent, a teacher, a friend,

A boss, a spouse, the company we worked for, or some

Governmental program should shoulder our burden for

Turning our lives into what we want them to be.
This approach can't get the job done.

Other people and organizations have too many pressing

Challenges and priorities of their own.
What does this mean?

That you'll always be disappointed when you depend on

Others for the things you must do for yourself.
It's so easy to justify the temptations of freeloading,

To slide into being a follower, to fail to see the hidden price
tag in the handout.

Unless you take complete control of your life and assume

Full personal responsibility for yourself, who will? No one will.
Every dollar you earn is worth ten given to you.

Earned money creates the self-image of self-reliance;

Given money creates the self-image of other-dependence.

This is why some families stay on welfare for generations.
Hangers-on and free-loaders are the most frustrated people
on earth because they have created their own frustrations.
You can't be successful and happy until you earn the respect
of the toughest, hardest to fool and most important judge
in the world… yourself.

- Tom Hopkins



There was no such thing as half-trying.

Whether it was running a race or catching a football,

Competing in school … we were to try.

And we were to try harder than anyone else.

We might not be the best, and none of us were,

But we were to make the effort to be the best.

- Robert Francis Kennedy


It is from numberless diverse acts of courage

And belief that human history is shaped.

Each time a man stands up for an ideal,

Or acts to improve the lot of others,

Or strikes out against injustice,

He sends forth a tiny ripple of hope,

And crossing each other from a million different

Centers of energy and daring those ripples build

A current which can sweep down the mightiest

Walls of oppression and injustice.

- Robert Francis Kennedy

(Day of Affirmation Address at

The University of Cape Town, South Africa, 1966.)


Few will have the greatness to bend history itself,

But each one of us can work to change a

Small portion of events,

And in the total of all those acts will be written

The history of this generation.

- Robert Francis Kennedy




Monday, May 08, 2023

050823 9 Benefits of Whole Life Insurance...

9 Benefits of Whole Life Insurance



(1) Provide for Loved Ones…


It’s the basic need everyone thinks about. You have a young family.

You are the major breadwinner. Something happens to you. How is

Your family supposed to make ends meet? It’s a form of protection.

Peace of mind.


(2) Key Man Insurance…


You and your partner own a business. It’s grown. Many employees

Depend on you. If something happens to your partner, it’s likely their

Spouse or family will inherit their share of the business. Cash would

Be a lot more useful to them. Life insurance on both partners can

Provide the cash to buy out heirs and keep the business intact.


(3) Emergency Loans…


Hopefully your client lives a long life. The whole life policy accumulates

Cash value, eventually growing to the full face value, or beyond. Many

Policies allow you to borrow money against the cash value.

You would pay interest.


(4) Funding Estate Taxes…


Your client owns a farm. It’s your major asset. It’s illiquid unless you

Sell off acreage. Your goal is to keep the farm intact, passing it to the

Next generation. A life insurance policy, while considered part of your

Estate can produce cash needed to pay estate taxes instead of selling



(5) Cash Value…


If times get tough, you need cash and you’ve run out of options, a

Whole life policy that has built cash value is an asset. You can turn it in

And receive cash, if necessary.


(6) Value as Collateral…


Your client needs to put up collateral for a loan. The lender wants

Financial instruments. In many cases, you can put up the policy and its

Cash value as collateral. You continue making payments on the policy.

The lender collects the death benefit if you die. The client is motivated

To pay back the loan quickly.


(7) Charitable Giving…


You want to do something special for your religious institution or school.

You might name them as a beneficiary on your life insurance policy.

You might give them the policy as a donation now, taking any tax

Deduction in accordance with the law.


(8) Meeting Obligations…


You are up there in years. You have grandchildren and great grand-

Children. You have promised you will take care of their college

education expenses, but that’s a long way off. 

Consider naming an adult custodian and under the rules of the 

Uniform Transfers to Minors Act. 

When the client passes away, the life insurance proceeds are held 

for the child’s benefit.


(9) Special Needs Child…


It’s a huge responsibility. You love them dearly. You can care for them

During your lifetime, but what happens when you pass away? This will

Take money. You will likely be setting up a Special Needs Trust to hold

Those funds. Consider naming the trust as your life insurance beneficiary.


Clients and prospects might consider life insurance as a traditional

Product designed for a very narrowly defined need.

Let them know it can help with many other problems.


- Bryce Sanders





Hayden Childs

Alabama Licensed Agent

(205) 269-1382











050823 Got Insurance?





That Offers “5” Core Values…


(1) Protection That Can Never Be Cancelled

(2) Monthly Payment Will Never Be Increased

(3) Coverage That Can Never Be Reduced

(4) Has Immediate Coverage

(5) A Policy That Will Earn “Cash Value”



And You Choose A Plan,

And Monthly Payment,

That Best Fits Your Needs


I Still Make House Calls!


Hayden Childs

Alabama Licensed Agent

(205) 269-1382



“The Grief Is Bad Enough,

Don’t Leave The Burden

To Your Family!”