Saturday, November 30, 2019


If the plan doesn't work,
Change the plan but never the goal.
- Henry Ford

Be strong enough to stand alone,
Smart enough to know when you need help,
And brave enough to ask for it.
- Ziad K. Abdelnour

One thing about championship teams
Is that they’re resilient.
No matter what is thrown at them,
No matter how deep the hole,
They find a way to bounce back and
Over comes adversity.
- Coach Nick Saban

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

112719 God's Other Blessings

God's Other Blessings
When you gather 'round the table …
On this Thanksgiving Day,
as you share a meal with loved ones,
And bow your head to pray...
Thanking God for all His blessings,
For the bounty He bestows,
For His wisdom and His kindness,
And for sharing all He knows...
As you praise His loving guidance
And take stock of all His gifts,
Take time to look beyond wealth …
And allow your thoughts to drift.
Don't overlook your struggles,
Or forget your daily strife,
Don't thank God for just the good times
In this frantic earthly life.
Take note of all the worries that you've
Faced along the way,
Recall your tribulations and your
Stress from day to day...
Remember all the cares and woes
You’ve conquered in the past,
Reflect upon the tears you've shed
And troubles you've amassed.
For all those woes and worries …
Why, they're merely steppingstones,
And troubles …they're just bricks along
The path to Heaven's home...
The tears we've shed are Life's sweet rain;
its flowers spring from strife,
and trials and tribulations are
The mortar in this Life.
The stress and strain upon our souls
Unite to make us strong,
Cares and struggles light the way …
When our road is dark and long.
So thank Him for His bounty,
For our families and our friends,
And for granting us forgiveness …
When we must make amends...
But recall God's other blessings …
For their merits oft untold,
Praise God for loving you enough …
To help you build the road...
For giving you the tools you'll need …
Mortar, bricks and stones,
for the path that leads to Heaven
And the stairway to His home.
- Deborah Simmons

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

112619 Let Us Give Thanks ...

Let Us Give Thanks...

Thanks to God for my Redeemer,
Thanks for all Thou dost provide,
Thanks for times not but a memory,
Thanks for Jesus by my side.

Thanks for pleasant, balmy springtime,
Thanks for colorfully, wonderful fall,
Thanks for tears by now forgotten,
Thanks for peace within my soul.

Thanks for prayers that Thou hast answered,
Thanks for what Thou dost deny,
Thanks for storms that I have weathered,
Thanks for all Thou dost supply

Thanks for pains, and thanks for pleasure,
Thanks for comfort in despair,
Thanks for grace that none can measure,
Thanks for love beyond compare.

Thanks for roses by the wayside,
Thanks for thorns their stems contain,
Thanks for home and thanks for fireside,
Thanks for hope, that sweet refrain.

Thanks for joy and thanks for sorrow,
Thanks for heavenly peace with Thee,
Thanks for hope in the tomorrow,
Thanks through all eternity.

- Anonymous

Monday, November 25, 2019


We set sail on this new sea because
There is knowledge to be gained.
- John F. Kennedy

The Chinese use two brush strokes
To write the word ‘crisis.’
One brush stroke stands for danger,
The other for opportunity.
In a crisis, be aware of the danger …
But recognize the opportunity.
- John F. Kennedy

The great French Marshall Lyautey once
Asked his gardener to plant a tree.
The gardener objected that the tree was
Slow growing and would not reach maturity
For 100 years. The Marshall replied,
‘In that case, there is no time to lose;
Plant it this afternoon!’
- John F. Kennedy

Friday, November 22, 2019


The key to happiness is having dreams.
The key to success is making dreams come true.
- Anonymous

World Class leaders know the secret to motivating
Themselves and others is discovering what they
Will fight for when the going gets rough.
- Steve Siebold

Walk into a wealthy person’s home and one of the
First things you’ll see is an extensive library of
Books they’ve used to educate themselves on how
To become more successful.
The middle class reads novels, tabloids,
And entertainment magazines.
- Steve Siebold

Thursday, November 21, 2019


Busy is a choice.
Stress is a choice.
Joy is a choice.
Choose well.
- Ann Voskamp

The meaning of life is to find your gift.
The purpose of life is to give it away.
- Pablo Picasso

You may have heard of Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
There's another day you might want to know about …
Giving Tuesday. The idea is pretty straightforward.
On the Tuesday after Thanksgiving,
Shoppers take a break from their gift-buying and
Donate what they can to charity.
- Bill Gates

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Vince Gill - Go Rest High On That Mountain (Official Music Video)


A belief in God is fundamental;
Upon it rest the influences
That control life.
- William Jennings Bryan

If we desire rules to govern our
Spiritual development
We turn back to the Sermon
On the Mount.
- William Jennings Bryan

If there is no God there is no hereafter.
When, therefore, one drives God out of
The universe he closes the door of hope
Upon himself.
- William Jennings Bryan

Tuesday, November 19, 2019


Being joyful isn’t what makes you grateful.
Being grateful is what makes you joyful.
- Ann Voskamp

Acknowledging the good that you already have
In your life is the foundation for all abundance.
- Eckhart Tolle

Real joy is not found in having the best of everything
But in trusting that God is making the best of everything.
- Ann Voskamp

Monday, November 18, 2019


Little things matter.
Pay attention to detail.
- Coach John Calipari

Accept your role and job
Within the team and perform
It to the best of your abilities.
No options!
- Coach John Calipari

Compete on every possession
Against every player,
In every practice and in every game.
It’s the only way you can become
The best version of yourself.
- Coach John Calipari

I’m not promising you shots,
Minutes, you come here,
You earn it.
We don’t give fish.
We give fishing rods.
- Coach John Calipari

Friday, November 15, 2019


Do first things first,
And second things not at all.
Peter Drucker

Be miserable.
Or motivate yourself.
Whatever has to be done,
It’s always your choice.
Wayne Dyer

It is a better thing to weigh
And measure priorities
in the illuminating light of
Your own mission
than to have your activities
Formed by the impressions
And expectations of others.
Mary Anne Radmacher

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Gratitude is riches.
Complaint is poverty.
- Doris Day

Develop an attitude of gratitude,
And give thanks for everything that
Happens to you, knowing that every
Step forward is a step toward achieving
Something bigger and better than your
Current situation.
- Brian Tracy

At the last, this is what will determine a fulfilling,
Meaningful life, a life that, behind all the facades.
Every one of us longs to live …
Gratitude for the blessings that expresses itself
By becoming the blessing.
- Ann Voskamp

Monday, November 11, 2019


God grants liberty only to those who love it,
And are always ready to guard and defend it.
- Daniel Webster

If anyone, then, asks me the meaning of our flag,
I say to him … it means just what Concord and
Lexington meant; what Bunker Hill meant;
Which was, in short the rising up of a valiant young
People against an old tyranny to establish the most
Momentous doctrine that the world had ever known …
The right of men to their own selves and to their liberties.
- Henry Ward Beecher

While only one day of the year is dedicated solely
To honoring our veterans, Americans must never
Forget the sacrifices that many of our fellow
Countrymen have made to defend our country and
Protect our freedoms.
- Randy Neugebauer

Saturday, November 09, 2019


Our veterans accepted the responsibility
To defend America and uphold our values
When duty called.
- Bill Shuster

It doesn’t take a hero to order men into battle.
It takes a hero to be one of those men who
Goes into battle.
- Norman Schwarzkopf

On this Veteran’s Day, let us remember the
Service of our veterans, and let us renew our
National promise to fulfill our sacred obligations
To our veterans and their families who have
Sacrificed so much that we can live free.
- Dan Lipinski

Some Gave All by Billy Ray Cyrus

Friday, November 08, 2019


The Joy is in the Journey.
- Anonymous

Could we change our attitude,
we should not only see life differently,
but life itself would be different.
- Katherine Mansfield

If people concentrated on the really
Important things in life,
There’d be a shortage of fishing poles.
- Anonymous

Thursday, November 07, 2019


Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.
- Aesop

It is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the
Providence of Almighty God, to obey His will,
To be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to
Implore His protection and favors.
- George Washington

I do, therefore, invite my fellow citizens …
To set apart and observe the last Thursday
Of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving
And Praise to our beneficent Father who
Dwelleth in the Heavens.
- Abraham Lincoln

Wednesday, November 06, 2019


Your real courage shows
Best in the hour of adversity.
- Napoleon Hill Foundation

Be strong in body,
Clean in mind,
Lofty in ideals.
- Dr. James Naismith

Everything in your life is a reflection
Of a choice you have made.
If you want a different result,
Make a different choice.
- Anonymous

Tuesday, November 05, 2019


Go Ball … Go Ball …
I’ll worry about the coaching
You just get out there and ball.
- Coach John Calipari

We don’t just play college basketball …
We ARE college basketball.
- Coach John Calipari

We do more than move the needle,
We are the needle …
We Are UK.
- Coach John Calipari

Monday, November 04, 2019


Never too old to start an empire.
Never too old to chase a dream.
- Jeremy Mcgilvrey

The strength of the team is each
Individual member.
The strength of each member
Is the team.
- Coach Phil Jackson

In life you either have the results you want,
Or you have the reasons to explain why you
Don’t have them. If you have the results,
You don’t need the reasons.
- Robert White

Saturday, November 02, 2019


To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant,
To enact gratitude is generous and noble,
But to live gratitude is to touch Heaven.
- Johannes A. Gaertner

Gratitude to God should be as habitual
As the reception of mercies is constant,
As ardent as the number of them is great,
As devout as the riches of divine grace
And goodness is incomprehensible.
- Simmons

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.
It turns what we have into enough,
And more.
It turns denial into acceptance,
Chaos to order, confusion to clarity.
It can turn a meal into a feast,
A house into a home,
A stranger into a friend.
Gratitude makes sense of our past,
Brings peace for today,
And creates a vision for tomorrow.
- Melody Beattie

Friday, November 01, 2019


Keep moving.
Don't stop.
But don't rush.
Don't race around.
Sure and steady gets
You there every time.
- Neale Donald Walsch

I do the very best I know how …
the very best I can;
and I mean to keep on doing
So until the end.
- Abraham Lincoln

The most important promises
Are the ones we make to ourselves.
The promises we makes to ourselves
are the things that assure us we have
The capacity to keep our promises
To others.
- Mary Anne Radmacher