Monday, July 30, 2018


Happiness begins where selfishness ends.
- Coach John Wooden

Kindness is an inner desire that makes us want
To do good things even if we do not get anything
In return.
It is the joy of our life to do them.
When we do good things from this inner desire,
There is kindness in everything we think,
Say, want and do.
- Emmanuel Swedenborg

Life is unlimited.
Your world expands with the generosity,
Compassion, inventiveness, and service
That you contribute.
Money that is spent or given away returns
The more love that is given, the more love returns.
The more a helping hand is given, the more hands
are strengthened and empowered to help.
We can help each other to all be winners.
We can all have food, and jobs, and love,
And happiness.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Are You a Walk'in and a Talk'in with the Lord?

Are You Walking & A-Talking With The Lord?

On your journey to the grave
Would you stop and try to save
Are you ‘walking and a-talking’ with the Lord?

Would you lend a helping hand?
To some poor sinner man
Are you ‘walkin and a-talking’ with the Lord?

If your heart said testify, would the world hear your reply?
Are you walkin’ and a-talkin’ with the Lord?
Would you stand and shout His name or bow your head in shame
Are you walkin’ and a-talkin’ with the Lord?

When the time has come to go, will your robe be white as snow?
Are you walkin’ and a-talkin’ with the Lord?
Will He take you by the hand and lead you to that Promised Land
Are you walkin’ and a-talkin’ with the Lord?


Are you walkin’, (are you walkin’)
Are you talkin’, (are you talkin’)
Are you walkin’ and a-talkin’ with the Lord?
Are you traveling in the light?
Ev’ry day and ev’ry night
Are you walkin’ and a talkin with the Lord?

- Hank Williams, Sr.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

072818 Bobby Cox quotes on Chipper Jones

The Atlanta Braves relied on brilliant pitching to win 14 straight division titles from 1991 to 2005, and they've been a dominant presence during Hall of Fame induction weekend in recent years. Greg Maddux, Tom Glavine and John Smoltz rolled into Cooperstown in 2014 and '15. They were accompanied by John Schuerholz and Bobby Cox … the suspendered architect and tobacco-juice-spitting manager, respectively, who oversaw the whole arrangement.

Now a hitter joins them. Third baseman Larry Wayne "Chipper" Jones Jr. will become the first position player from Atlanta's glory years to be honored with a plaque in Cooperstown.
Jones, 45, has maintained his ties to the Braves' organization as a special assistant to baseball operations.

"He was a shortstop when he came up, and he threw the ball away a lot. We wanted him to play a little bit of short, just to find out. Why not? But he's 6-feet-4, and he had the prototype body for third base written all over him.

"His arm from third was as accurate as a guy like Graig Nettles. And Chipper could come in on a ball like Brooks Robinson. That topped ball in front of the plate, he made that play look easy. He never missed."

"Chipper still comes around a lot. He's with us in spring training, and the players love him. It's a spark, no doubt about that. I should get some film of him and Andruw Jones and show it to all the minor leaguers so they can see how those guys played the game. There was never any showboating or pimping. I can honestly say, as good as Chipper and Andruw were, they could have done a lot of other stuff. But they did it right."
- Bobby Cox


Plenty of people miss their share of happiness,
Not because they never found it,
But because they didn’t stop to enjoy it.
- William Feather

No man can tell whether he is rich or poor by
Turning to his ledger. 
It is the heart that makes a man rich.
He is rich according to what he IS,
Not according to what he has.
- Beecher

Learn to enjoy every minute of your life.
Be happy now.
Don't wait for something outside of yourself
To make you happy in the future.
Think how really precious is the time you
Have to spend, whether it's at work or with
Your family.
Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.
- Earl Nightingale

Friday, July 27, 2018

Only One Chipper Jones 072718

He was in rarefied air as a hitter.

"I got to play with some great players. I played with Alex Rodriguez and 
Vladimir Guerrero and Juan Gonzalez. From an eye-hand contact standpoint, 
Chipper could put the barrel on the ball better than anybody. 
His coordination was so good, it didn't matter what type of pitcher was out there ...
whether it was a tough starter or a tough closer. 
He could put the barrel on the ball better than anybody.
"People ask me, 'Who was the best pure hitter you ever played with?' 
and I say Chipper Jones. If he had stayed healthy, he's a 500-homer, 3,000-hit guy
and we're not talking about him being one of the best third basemen of all time. 
We're talking about him being one of the best players of all time."
- Mark Teixeira

"He was a dynamic hitter from both sides of the plate. 
I think he was a little more natural hitter from the left side, 
and at times maybe he had a little more power from the right side. 
Either way, he was just a threat from either side of the plate. 
When you start getting compared to Eddie Murray and Mickey Mantle and those
types of players as a switch-hitter, then you're doing something really well.
"I always said Chipper was the kind of guy who could fall out of bed and go 3-for-4. 
He had that kind of talent. To his credit, he worked at it. He understood his swing and his approach, and on top of that he was really good at incorporating what guys were trying to
do to get him out. His [mindset] was like, 'I know what I do, and I'm going to do it better
than you. And I'm going to have a more successful night getting my hits than you are 
getting me out."'
- Tom Glavine

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

REO Speedwagon - Till The Rivers Run Dry


Never let the fear of striking out get in your way.
- Babe Ruth

A company is only as good as the people it keeps.
- Mary Kay Ash

I love people who make me laugh.
I honestly think it's the thing I like most …
To laugh.
It cures a multitude of ills.
It's probably the most important thing in
A person.
- Audrey Hepburn

Monday, July 23, 2018


Let us not look back in anger
or forward in fear,
but around in awareness.
- James Thurber 

The foundation stones for a balanced success
Are honesty, character, integrity, faith, love and loyalty.
- Zig Ziglar

The secret of concentration is the secret of self-discovery.
You reach inside yourself to discover your personal resources,
And what it takes to match them to the challenge.
- Arnold Palmer

Sunday, July 22, 2018

072218 Forget and Remember

Forget & Remember

Forget each kindness that you do
As soon as you have done it.
Forget the praise that falls to you
The moment you have won it.
Forget the slander that you hear
Before you can repeat it.
Forget each slight, each spite, each sneer
Wherever you may meet it.

Remember every kindness done
To you, what’re its measure.
Remember praise by others won
And pass it on with pleasure.
Remember every promise made
And keep it to the letter.
Remember those who lend you aid
And be a grateful debtor.

Remember all the happiness
That comes your way in living.
Forget each worry and distress;
Be hopeful and forgiving.
Remember good, remember truth,
Remember heaven's above you.
And you will find, through age and youth,
True joys and hearts to love you.

- Priscilla Leonard

Saturday, July 21, 2018

072118 fishing quotes

A "reel" fisherman can tell you about his first catch!
- Anonymous

A "reel" fisherman has at least one lure that never
Caught a fish!
- Anonymous

A "reel" fisherman has more than two rods with
Different reels on each.
- Anonymous

Friday, July 20, 2018

Boston - Peace of Mind (Boston) HQ


We can always choose to perceive things differently.
You can focus on what's wrong in your life,
or you can focus on what's right.
- Marianne Williamson

Once you start questioning the bad stuff that comes
Your way, you have to start questioning the good …
And I wouldn't trade the good for anything.
- Stuart Scott

Inaction breeds doubt and fear.
Action breeds confidence and courage.
If you want to conquer fear,
Do not sit home and think about it.
Go out and get busy.
- Dale Carnegie

Thursday, July 19, 2018


There is no need to go to India or anywhere
Else to find peace. You will find that deep place
Of silence right in your room, your garden or
Even your bathtub.
- Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Great leaders always seem to embody two
Seemingly disparate qualities. They are both
Highly visionary and highly practical.
- John C. Maxwell

Nothing great has ever been achieved except
By those who dared to believe that something
Inside them was superior to circumstances.
- Bruce Barton

Tuesday, July 17, 2018


There is nothing better than the
Encouragement of a good friend.
- Katharine Butler Hathaway

If you want to be the best,
You have to do things that
Other people aren't willing to do.
- Michael Phelps

Generally, your greatest service to someone
in their time of trouble, sorrow, or confusion,
Is your comfort.
Take the time to listen to their troubles and
Concerns with patience, kindness, and empathy,
but without offering unsolicited advice or suggestions.
Your kindly hand on their shoulder, supportive hug,
And patient listening are often the greatest gifts
You can offer.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Monday, July 16, 2018


Years wrinkle the skin,
But to give up enthusiasm
Wrinkles the soul.
- Douglas MacArthur

It's better to be at the bottom
Of the ladder you want to climb
Than at the top of the one you don't.
- Stephen Kellogg

If you wish to glimpse inside a human
Soul and get to know a man, don't bother
Analyzing his ways of being silent, of talking,
Of weeping, of seeing how much he is moved
By noble ideas; you will get better results if
You just watch him laugh.
If he laughs well, he's a good man.
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Sunday, July 15, 2018


Only One Life, Twill Soon Be Past By C.T. Studd

Two little lines I heard one day,
Traveling along life’s busy way;
Bringing conviction to my heart,
And from my mind would not depart;
Only one life, twill soon be past,
Only what’s done for Christ will last.
Only one life, yes only one,
Soon will its fleeting hours be done;
Then, in ‘that day’ my Lord to meet,
And stand before His Judgement seat;
Only one life,’twill soon be past,
Only what’s done for Christ will last.
Only one life, a few brief years,
Each with its burdens, hopes, and fears;
Each with its clays I must fulfill,
living for self or in His will;
Only one life, ’twill soon be past,
Only what’s done for Christ will last.
When this bright world would tempt me sore,
When Satan would a victory score;
When self would seek to have its way,
Then help me Lord with joy to say;
Only one life, ’twill soon be past,
Only what’s done for Christ will last.
Give me Father, a purpose deep,
In joy or sorrow Thy word to keep;
Faithful and true what e’er the strife,
Pleasing Thee in my daily life;
Only one life, ’twill soon be past,
Only what’s done for Christ will last.
Oh let my love with fervor burn,
And from the world now let me turn;
Living for Thee, and Thee alone,
Bringing Thee pleasure on Thy throne;
Only one life, “twill soon be past,
Only what’s done for Christ will last.
Only one life, yes only one,
Now let me say,”Thy will be done”;
And when at last I’ll hear the call,
I know I’ll say “twas worth it all”;
Only one life,’twill soon be past,
Only what’s done for Christ will last. ”
Only one life, ’twill soon be past,
Only what’s done for Christ will last.
And when I am dying, how happy I’ll be,
If the lamp of my life has been burned out for Thee

Thursday, July 12, 2018


Attitude is everything.
- Charles Swindoll

All our dreams can come true,
if we have the courage to pursue them.
- Walt Disney

You have to accept whatever comes and the only
Important thing is that you meet it with courage
and with the best that you have to give.
- Eleanor Roosevelt

Wednesday, July 11, 2018


A smile is a light in the window of a face,
Which shows that the heart is home.
- Anonymous

The only person you are destined to become
Is the person you decide to be.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

The more difficulties one has to encounter,
Within and without, the more significant and
The higher in inspiration his life will be.
- Horace Bushnell

Sunday, July 08, 2018

070818 quote by Thomas Jefferson

God who gave us life gave us liberty.
And can the liberties of a nation be
Thought secure when we have removed
Their only firm basis,
A conviction in the minds of the people
That these liberties are of the Gift of God?
That they are not to be violated but with
His wrath?
Indeed, I tremble for my country when I
Reflect that God is just that His justice
Cannot sleep forever.
- Thomas Jefferson

Thursday, July 05, 2018


Be there for others,
But never leave yourself behind.
- Dodinsky

Some people want it to happen,
Some wish it would happen,
Others make it happen.
- Michael Jordan

Profanity is a sign of inadequate vocabulary
Or unsound judgment … or both.
- Napoleon Hill Foundation

Wednesday, July 04, 2018

Aaron Tippin - Where The Stars & Stripes & The Eagle Fly

Brooks & Dunn - Only In America

I won't let go/ ( Rascal Flatts)

Something To Be Proud Of

Toby Keith - American Soldier

John Michael Montgomery - Letters from Home Official Music Video


Those who deny freedom to others
Deserve it not for themselves.
- Abraham Lincoln

We stand for freedom.
That is our conviction for ourselves;
That is our only commitment to others.
- John Fitzgerald Kennedy

We will always remember.
We will always be proud.
We will always be prepared,
So we will always be free.
- Ronald Wilson Reagan

Monday, July 02, 2018

Billy Ray Cyrus - Some Gave All

Some Gave All 070218

Some Gave All

I knew a man, called him Sandy Cane
Few folks even knew his name
But a hero, yes was he
Left a boy, came back a man
Still many just don't understand
About the reasons we are free
I can't forget the look in his eyes
Or the tears he cried
As he said these words to me

All Gave Some, Some Gave All
Some stood through for the red, white and blue
And some had to fall
And if you ever think of me
Think of all your liberties and recall
Some Gave All

Now Sandy Cane is no longer here
But his words are oh so clear
As they echo throughout our land
For all his friends who gave us all
Who stood their ground and took the fall
To help their fellow man
Love your country and live with pride
And don't forget those who died
America can't you see?

And if you ever think of me
Think of all your liberties and recall
Yes recall
Some Gave All
Some Gave All


Sunday, July 01, 2018

Why Tell Me Why by Tim Childs 070118

Why, Tell Me Why?

Why would a man choose blindness over sight?
Why would a man choose darkness over light?
Why would a man choose hatred over love?
Why would a man choose a thief like Satan, 
over God’s gift from above?
Why would a man choose the broad path to destruction,
over God’s great guidance and patient instruction?
Why would a man choose his own opinion and speculation,
over God’s Word made known by the Spirit of Truth’s revelation?
Why would a man choose filth, separation and alienation,
over God’s cleansing power and glorious sanctification?
Why would a man choose hunger and starvation,
over the bread of life provided freely to all within his holy nation?
Why would a man choose unquenched thirst,
over drinking from the fountain of life to be not cursed?
Why would a man choose death over life?
Why would a man not choose peace and unity,
over religious division, confusion and strife?
Why, oh tell me why?

By Tim Childs