Wednesday, February 13, 2008

"I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, whence cometh my help." Psalm 121:1
(Coach Adolph Rupp's favorite Biblical passage and his guiding principle in recruiting)

"If Kentucky ever had a player in whom the fires of competitive zeal burned with a greater roar than in Ralph Beard, his name is a secret." - Dave Kindred

"If the school had put a million dollars in my pocket, it wouldn't have meant more to me than that recognition." (Joe B. Hall on the retirement of his jersey at Rupp Arena, 2/10/1990)

"We feel that every boy who puts on a Kentucky uniform just plays a little better than he would in one of another color." - Coach Adolph Rupp

"The scandal broke Oct.20, 1951, and I haven't ever forgotten it, and I won't ever forget it until they hit me in the face with that first spade full of dirt."
- Ralph Beard