Thursday, October 17, 2024

101724 October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month...

October is Breast Cancer

Awareness Month…


I provide Cancer Insurance

Coverage via Mutual of Omaha


It is very affordable and much

Cheaper than you might think…


I can also add a heart attack

And stroke rider too…


This is a living benefit you can use

any way you wish if diagnosed and

You don’t have to die to

receive it!


Does Cancer run in your family?


Don’t procrastinate


Get covered today!


Hayden Childs

Alabama Licensed Agent

(205) 269-1382




Wednesday, October 16, 2024

101624 Wed devo and quotes plus Wed funny...

Samuel Bagster's
Famous Daily Devotions
October 16

“ Do not be lazy but always work hard.
Work for the Lord with a heart full
of love for Him.”
Romans 12:11

 “Whatever your hand finds to do,
do it with all your strength.
For there is no work or planning
or learning or wisdom in the place
of the dead where you are going.”
Ecclesiastes 9:10

“Whatever work you do,
do it with all your heart.
Do it for the Lord and not for men.
Remember that you will get your
reward from the Lord.
He will give you what you should receive.
You are working for the Lord Christ.”
Colossians 3:23-24


Edited by H.C.


You can't have a plan for your day,
'til you have a plan for your life.
- Tony Robbins

Make each day your masterpiece.
- Coach John Wooden

One of the best lessons you can learn
In life is to master how to remain calm.
- Catherine Pulsifer

Successful people are always looking
for opportunities to help others.
Unsuccessful people are always asking,
"What's in it for me?".
- Brian Tracy

Practice Golden-Rule 1 of
Management in everything you do.
Manage others the way you would
like to be managed.
- Brian Tracy

If you raise your children to feel
that they can accomplish any goal
or task they decide upon,
you will have succeeded as a parent
and you will have given your children
the greatest of all blessings.
- Brian Tracy

We did this for Allison…
I told her she could be anything
She wanted to be.


I’m In You – Peter Frampton



Tuesday, October 15, 2024


Gratitude is an attitude that hooks

us up to our source of supply.

And the more grateful you are,

the closer you become to your maker,

to the architect of the universe,

to the spiritual core of your being.

It’s a phenomenal lesson.

- Bob Proctor


Show class, have pride,

and display character.

If you do,

Winning takes care of itself.

- Coach Paul Bryant


The only yardstick for success

our society has is being a champion.

No one remembers anything else.

- Coach John Madden


Winning is not a sometime thing;

it’s an all time thing.

You don’t win once in a while;

you don’t do things once in a while;

you do them right all the time.

Winning is a habit.

Unfortunately, so is losing.

- Coach Vince Lombardi


Things don’t happen by accident …

You don’t win a game, a division,

or a national championship by accident.

You have to make it happen and you

have to make it happen by what you

do every day.

- Coach Nick Saban




You Only Receive What You Truly Expect


Many people today live their entire lives

on the basis of "seeing is believing."

That is to say, the only images they get

emotionally involved with are the ones

they can discern with their physical senses.

But the individuals of real "vision,"

down through the ages, have always known

the overriding principle is,

"what you see is what you get."

Expressed somewhat differently,

what this means is that the images

in people's minds, actually precede the

concrete images,

which pervade our material world.

Therefore, you should be aware of the

fact that the fascinating physical world

we see before us,

with all of its conveniences for making

our lives more comfortable, has been

built largely by image-makers…

men and women of vision who knew

what they could do,

and EXPECTED everything else to

"Fall into place,"

regardless of what their critics might

say to the contrary.


you will only receive what you truly expect,

not what you only wish for.

- Bob Proctor


Great Leaders …

Great leaders stand up when adversity arises.
Great leaders allow the team to take ownership of the rules.
Great leaders embrace future leaders.
Great leaders lead the orchestra but let them play.
Great leaders pick their battles.
Great leaders do not rush to make changes because of failure.
Great leaders hire good people.
Great leaders make tough decisions.
Great leaders accept responsibility.
Great leaders show compassion for those around them.
Great leaders never force leadership.
Great leaders must insist on excellence.
Great leaders are not always popular.
Great leaders don’t have all the answers, but they find them.

- Anonymous


The Boat of Commitment.

The Team-Boat.

The Boat that leaves the dock early

and stays out on the water late into the night.

If you don’t make a total commitment to

whatever you’re doing then you start looking

to bail out the first time the boat starts leaking.

It is tough enough getting that boat to shore

with everybody rowing let alone when a

guy stands up and starts putting his jacket on.

- Coach Lou Holtz


May We All – Florida Georgia Line



Monday, October 14, 2024

101424 A Note from Hayden...

A Note from Hayden…

Today’s post is for a friend and brother

In Christ who is grieving today over the

Passing of his son.


Pray for all those grieving today.

May this post be a source of help

And comfort.


- Hayden Childs



Memory is the

Only friend of grief.

- Rumer Godden


Friendship improves happiness

and abates misery,

By the doubling of our joy and

the dividing of our grief.

- Marcus Tullius Cicero


Grief knits two hearts in closer

Bonds than happiness ever can;

And common sufferings are far

Stronger links than common joys.

- Alphonse de Lamartine


We don’t ‘get over’

The deepest pains of life,

Nor should we.

‘Are you over it?’

Is a question that cannot be asked by

Someone who has been through ‘it’

Whatever ‘it’ is.

It’s an anxious question,

An asking for reassurance that

Cannot be given.

During an average lifetime

There are many pains,

Many grieves to be borne.

We don’t ‘get over’ them;

We learn to live with them,

To go on growing and deepening,

And understanding…

- Madeleine L’ Engle


When something bad happens

You have three choices …

You can either let it define you.

You can let it destroy you.

Or you can let it strengthen you.

- Anonymous


Time is…
Too Slow for those who Wait,
Too Swift for those who Fear,
Too Long for those who Grieve,
Too Short for those who Rejoice;
But for those who Love,
Time is not.

- Henry Van Dyke


Prayer of Faith…

We trust that beyond absence

There is a presence.

That beyond the pain

There can be healing.

That beyond the brokenness

There can be wholeness.

That beyond the anger

There may be peace.

That beyond the hurting

There may be forgiveness.

That beyond the silence

There may be the Word.

That beyond the Word

There may be understanding.

That through understanding

There is love.

- Anonymous



Overcoming Grief and Depression…

All of us are acquainted with grief and depression. It is estimated

That about 35 million people in this country suffer with these emotions.

It is one of the worst feelings one can experience. Many commit

Suicide rather than cope with it.


1. The first step is to determine the cause of your grief or depression.

The causes are many and complex. It may be disappointment, the

Loss of a job, business failure, serious illness, break-up of a marriage

Or death of a loved one. Job said, “Man that is born of a woman is of

Few days and full of trouble” (Job 14:1). We need a source of comfort

And strength for such times.


2. Faith in God as a Refuge and a help is necessary.

Paul said, “But My God shall supply all your need according to His riches

in glory by Christ Jesus” (Phil.4:19). David had to deal with this problem in

his life. He said, “I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness

of The Lord in the land of the living” (Psa.27:13). The godly men recognized

The need for God and turned to him for help.


3. The hope of Heaven is an anchor of the soul.

Jesus went back to Heaven to prepare a place for us. He promised to

return for us that we May be with Him (John 14:1-3). Hope is a strong

medicine for despair. The Hebrew Christians were struggling to hold on

to their hope. They were told that hope is an anchor of the soul, both sure

and steadfast, and which entereth into that within the veil (Heb.6:19).


4. Friends and loved ones can help.

Our friends hurt when we hurt. They usually want to help but feel helpless

to do so. Their letters, visits, cards, phone calls, and prayers can be so

comforting in times of distress and grief. Think of the strength and comfort

Mary and Martha must have felt when they saw Jesus weep at the tomb

of their brother Lazarus. Sometimes we just need a sympathetic friend to

listen while we talk. It is a well known fact that to “talk out” a problem is

good therapy. It can be helpful for the whole person; body, mind and spirit.


5. Prayer helps to overcome sorrow and depression.

God allowed His Own son to suffer pain and agony on the cross in dealing

with our problem of sin. He, therefore, understands fully the pain and agony

we sometimes suffer. He loved us so much that He gave Christ to die for us.

God has No pleasure in our grief. “Let us therefore come boldly unto the

throne of Grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time

of need” (Heb.4:16). David said, “In my distress I cried unto the Lord and

He heard Me” (Psa.120:1).


6. God is the God of all comfort.

“Blessed be God even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of

mercies, and the God of all comfort” (2 Cor.1:3). “Casting all your care

upon him: for he careth for you” (1 Pet.5:7). “Cast they burden upon the

Lord, and he shall sustain thee: He shall never suffer the righteous to be

moved” (Psa.55:22). “Fear thou Not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed;

for I am thy God: I will strengthen Thee; yea, I will help thee: yea, I will

uphold thee with the right hand of My righteousness” (Isa.41:10).

May you let God help you.


- G.L. Mann

Via Beacon

Edited by Hayden Childs


Like Abel of old our esteemed brother in Christ still “speaks being dead”





“ Do not fear, for I am with you.

Do not be afraid, for I am your God.

I will give you strength,

and for sure I will help you.

Yes, I will hold you up with

My right hand that is right and good.

Isaiah 41:10



Sunshine on my Shoulders – John Denver